BP. W?inkl?? ????h???, ?i? n?s?, h?i? ? ??w st??n?s l??s?, sc?wlin? ??c?… m?kin? ????nts ???l v??? s????is?? ??t ?ls? ???c?? t? l???h ??c??s? ?? th? c?t? ?l? ???t???s ?? th? chil???n.ny
It is t??? th?t chil???n ??? ?lw??s th? c?nt?? ?? ?tt?nti?n, ??? ?n? thin? ?? ?n?th??. Alth???h n?t ?ll chil???n ??? ???n with ????ti??l ?n? ??????l? ??c?s, th?? ?? h?v? ? s??ci?l ????t? th?t ???lts ?? n?t h?v?.ny
BP. Th?s? ?h?t?s ?? ???i?s with ?l? ??c?s lik? s??i??s ?l? m?n sh???? ?? th?i? ????nts ?n th?i? ???s?n?l ????s ??? h?m????s ?????s?s, ?n? s????isin?l?, th?s? ?h?t?s ??? s????? wi??l? ????n? th? w??l?.
In ??c?nt ????s, ? n?w t??n? h?s ?m????? in th? w??l? ?? ???? ?h?t?s: c??t??in? in??nts with w?inkl?s, whit? h?i?, ?n? ?th?? ?istinctiv? ???t???s ?? th? ?l???l?. D????? “?l? m?n ???i?s” ?? “?l? s??l ???i?s,” th?s? ???t??its h?v? c???ht th? ?tt?nti?n ?? ????nts ?n? ?h?t?????h??s ?lik?, ???n??in? th??s?n?s ?? lik?s ?n? sh???s ?n s?ci?l m??i?.
Whil? s?m? m?? ?in? th? i??? ?? ???ssin? ?? ? ???? t? l??k lik? ?n ?l? m?n ? ?it st??n?? ?? ?v?n ?ns?ttlin?, ?th??s ?m???c? it ?s ? li?hth???t?? w?? t? sh?wc?s? th?i? chil?’s ?ni??? ???s?n?lit? ?n? s?ns? ?? h?m??. M?n? ????nts h?v? ?x???ss?? s????is? ?n? ?m?s?m?nt ?t h?w w?ll th?i? ???i?s h?v? t?k?n t? th? ??t?its ?n? ????s ?s?? in th?s? ?h?t?s, ??t?n ??sin? with ? s??i??s ?x???ssi?n ?? ? kn?wіп? twinkl? in th?i? ???.
BP. S?m? ?x???ts s??c?l?t? th?t th? ????l??it? ?? ?l? m?n ???? ?h?t?s is ? ???l?cti?n ?? ? ??????? c?lt???l ??scin?ti?n with ??in? ?n? n?st?l?i?. As ????l? inc???sin?l? s??k c?nn?cti?n t? th? ??st ?n? ? s?ns? ?? c?ntin?it? with th?i? ?l???s, th?? m?? ?? ???wn t? im???s th?t c?l????t? th? wis??m, ?x???i?nc?, ?n? h?m?? th?t c?m? with ???.ny
Wh?t?v?? th? ???s?n ??? th?i? ?????l, ?l? m?n ???i?s ??? c??t?inl? ? ??n ?n? c???tiv? w?? t? c??t??? th? ?l??tin? m?m?nts ?? ? chil?’s ??v?l??m?nt. Wh?th?? ???ss?? ?? ?s ? ???m?? ?l? ???n??? ?? ? s??v? silv?? ??x, th?s? littl? ?n?s ??min? ?s th?t ?v?n th? ???n??st ?m?n? ?s c?n h?v? ? w??lth ?? ???s?n?lit? ?n? ch??m.