Bidding Adieu to Oldepe: Honoring a Cherished Elephant

In a heartfelt tribute, we bid farewell to Oldepe, a cherished community member whose unexpected passing on December 7th has devastated us.

Oldepe’s journey at the Ithumba Reintegration Unit alongside his companions Roho and Neshashi was filled with enthusiasm for herd activities and meals.

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However, his sudden decline in health left us all in shock and scrambling for answers despite the best efforts of experienced veterinarians, including Dr. Limo from the SWT/KWS Tsavo Mobile Vet Unit.

Despite round-the-clock care and attempts to coax him to eat, Oldepe’s refusal proved insurmountable.

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The decision against a feeding tube, due to its invasive nature and associated risks, was made with heavy hearts.

Ultimately, Oldepe succumbed to his weakened state, leaving us with a profound sense of loss.

However, Oldepe’s story is one of tragedy, resilience, and joy. Rescued during a severe drought in Kenya, he quickly endeared himself with his playful antics, like his mischievous hide-and-seek games with his Keepers.

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Despite his challenges, Oldepe’s final days were filled with love and happiness, a fitting tribute to his spirit.

As we grapple with the absence of answers, we find solace in knowing that Oldepe’s legacy lives on in our hearts.

Though he may be gone, his memory will forever be cherished, a reminder of the joy and companionship he brought to all who knew him.

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