Starving Dog Found Caged, deѕрeгаte for Survival. Urgent Treatment offeгѕ Hope.

Imagine coming across a helpless dog lying in a small cage on a freezing day. That’s essentially what Prima’s life has been like, abandoned by her owners in winter.

This little dog was extremely emaciated and would eat anything she could find to survive, leading to almost fatal consequences.

Starving Dog Found Lying In A Small Kennel, She Ate Anything To Survive Her Abandonment

When they found her, Prima was just days away from reaching the point of no return. Her condition was much more serious than initially expected, and timely treatment was her only hope.

Found in a horrible state
Jannel and Robby, two volunteers from Houston, Texas, stumbled upon Prima during their regular stroll through a local park, where they used to feed abandoned animals. She was lying in one of the “houses” that Corridor Rescue had set up for stray animals during the winter.

Abandoned dog laying in the box

When Jannel approached, she noticed that Prima didn’t look like a typical dog. Her stomach was swollen, and she could barely move, so they hurried to investigate.

As they got closer to her cage, they noticed that Prima was extremely thin. Her spine was visible, and her swollen belly was possibly the result of advanced heart disease. The volunteers offered her food and water, which she took with some hesitation.

“This girl was so hungry that when she was abandoned, she ate anything she found and kept eating,” wrote Corridor Rescue in a Facebook post.

Knowing that Prima probably wouldn’t survive on her own, they immediately contacted Corridor Rescue, who agreed to take care of the little dog.

Skinny dog eating food

“Me quedé impactada por lo que vi cuando salió. Estaba demacrada y con un estómago muy grande. Inmediatamente comencé a hacer llamadas sabiendo que necesitaba ser rescatada de inmediato”, escribió Jannel en Facebook.

Después de un tiempo, lograron atraer a Prima y subirla a su automóvil. Durante el viaje hacia el refugio, ella se rindió por completo. Aunque estaba asustada y claramente tenía miedo de los humanos, parecía saber que sus salvadores no le harían daño.

Venciendo las probabilidades
En el veterinario, a Prima se le diagnosticó enfermedad cardíaca en etapa terminal. Desafortunadamente, los gusanos del corazón se habían migrado a su arteria pulmonar, lo que hacía casi imposible su extracción mediante cirugía.

Old and skinny dog

At that moment, she was considered a terminally ill patient, and the rescue’s sole goal was to place Prima in a comfortable foster home where she would feel safe and loved.

According to her rescuers, Prima had suffered neglect and suffering her entire life. Despite her unknown past, it’s clear this dog was cruelly abandoned and mistreated, ultimately leading Prima to develop long-term traumas.

In addition to her physical condition, this little dog struggled to adapt to a new environment and people, as she was severely traumatized.

skinny dog sleeping

After careful consideration, the veterinary team concluded that her only option would be invasive and rapid treatment against heartworms, involving a series of injections over several months.

That was her last chance to survive, and the rescue team was willing to give her a shot. Additionally, they kept her on fluids, fed her every few hours, and provided her with the necessary antibiotics to help her overcome this.

During her treatment, Prima began to show signs of progress. Miraculously, she started to feel much better, and her swollen belly disappeared soon after. To everyone’s surprise, Prima defied the odds like a champion, and gradually the heartworms vanished from her body.

two dogs sleeping on a pillow

“No iba a dejar que nada de su pasado se interpusiera en su camino hacia un final feliz. Esta pequeña milagrosa se negó a dejarse vencer por la palabra ‘cuidados paliativos’ por más tiempo”, escribió el rescate en Facebook.

Después de un agotador tratamiento en este refugio de Texas, finalmente Prima se sintió como su antiguo yo y emprendió un viaje transformador en su hogar de acogida.

Prima salió de su caparazón y comenzó a relacionarse con otros perros, feliz de tener una segunda oportunidad en la vida. Después de todas las dificultades por las que había pasado, finalmente era su momento de prosperar.

Cute dog sleeping

Miraculous Ending
In just a few months, Prima was nothing like she used to be. She blossomed into an affectionate and loving little dog who adored absolutely everything about her new life.

She was sweet and playful, finally becoming a true little dog! According to her foster parents, Prima is loving. She loves to cuddle up with her foster companions, and it’s nearly impossible to take a still photo of her unless she’s asleep.

Once declared a palliative care patient, Prima was ready for a new home and a fresh start. And soon enough, her new family appeared!

Two dogs on the beach

She found a wonderful home with an incredible family and couldn’t be happier. Prima thrives and shines in her new environment, facing each day as a new adventure.

Thanks to the big-hearted rescuers who didn’t give up on her, Prima now has a whole new life ahead of her.