Aɡаіпѕt the oddѕ: Super Tiny Baby’s Remarkable fіɡһt аɡаіпѕt Premature Birth Leads to Joyous Homecoming with Overjoyed Parents

A miracle baby girl born at 23 weeks and six days, weighing less than a bag of rice, is finally home – four months after being born in the middle of lockdown.

Tiffany Bushell, 32, and husband Matthew, 30, from Watford, Hertfordshire, welcomed their daughter Millie in April but feared she would not survive after she was born 17 weeks premature and had to fight off seven infections, including sepsis.

The tiny tot weighed just 1lb 7 at birth, had a massive hole in her heart, and spent the first five weeks of her life on a ventilator at St. Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey, Surrey, after she stopped breathing at just two days old.

But the plucky newborn defied all odds to survive and her parents are now celebrating after doctors finally allowed them to bring her home last week, with Matthew saying: ‘We’re over the moon that she’s back. It’s like being on Cloud nine.’

The couple had already faced heartbreak after they lost their first daughter, Ruby, after she was born at just 24 weeks and 3 days old in 2018.

Matthew said: ‘We had Ruby for a week and then she passed away. It was the worst day of my life. It was really dark.’Due to lockdown restrictions, Matthew was only able to see his new daughter for ten minutes before having to leave the hospital.

For the first week, he could only see Millie via video call, while mum Tiffany was restricted to visiting her for two hours per day and could only hold her newborn daughter while wearing gloves.

The tot fought off seven infections, including suspected sepsis, and recovered from surgery to fix the hole in her heart before doctors deemed her fit enough to return home.

The couple were finally able to bring her home after four months in the hospital, and said they are now looking forward to introducing their miracle baby to friends and family.Tiffany, an embroiderer, said: ‘She’s a miracle. Now she’s here, it’s such a weight off our shoulders.

‘Were so relieved that she is at home and it makes us realise how far she has come.’

She added; ‘We’re fulfilled – we’ve been waiting for this moment for so long.’

Meanwhile Matthew said: ‘We are in a much better place now. I want to thank all the hospital staff for doing their best.’We’re just so thankful to be finally back at home all together, safe.’

The newly reunited family intend to spend the coming weeks getting some well-earned rest and introducing their new daughter to relatives, who were not allowed to visit her while she was in hospital.

Tiffany said: ‘It’s nice that a few friends and family have finally been able to see her.

‘I’m so happy she is back. It was emotionally draining having to leave her. I just want to spend lots of time in the house with her.’