Look at their face ! Little White and Little Grey give smile to rescue team after back to the ocean-their home.

Look at their face ! Little White and Little Grey give smile to rescue team after back to the ocean-their home.

The look on their face says it all ?

These two Beluga Whales were rescued after more than a decade, from a Chinese aquarium where they performed [tr.icks] in exchange for fish.

The two whales barely lived in the wild. After being [ca.ptu.red] at only a couple of years old, the two were held [capt.ive] in a Russian research station. They were then transferred to the Ocean World in Shanghai, China.

After spending more than a decade at the Chinese aquarium, the two Beluga Whales were finally being rescued by a UK-based group called Sea Life Trust.

The sanctuary will allow Little White and Little Grey to swim with other Belugas for the first time in years.

Getting them halfway around the world was certainly no easy task. The two female whales were placed in specially built slings that were designed to protect their bodies. They were placed in a truck, transferred to a Boeing 747-400ERF cargo aircraft, and a tugboat when they finally made it to Iceland.

Little Grey and Little White are now in their bayside care pool and will need a short period of time to acclimatise to their new natural environment and all the outdoor elements before their final release into the wider sanctuary in Klettsvik Bay in the Westman Islands off the south coast of Iceland. The expert team and the independent vets were with Little Grey and Little White throughout the move and said they are healthy and are feeding after the short trip from their landside care facility back to the sea.

He looks so happy like he knows he’s going home. Look at that smile ???

It’s heartwarming to see more and more wild creatures returning to their natural habitats after years in captivity.


This is wonderful! They are such peaceful creatures! ????


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