Terrifying Encounter with the “Snake Human”

The residents of Tamil Nadu, India, are familiar with a man known as Snake Mamu, or “Snake Manu.” While snakes evoke terrifying fear in many people, even the sight of a venomous snake can cause fainting spells. However, for Manu, a man in his thirties, these venomous creatures are adorable companions.

Occasionally, on the streets of Tamil Nadu, a crowd gathers, with faces filled with terror, some even screaming in fear and fainting. Many squeeze into the crowd, but they cover their eyes, unable to look.


Amidst that crowd stands a man with honey-colored skin and distinctively braided hair, playfully interacting with venomous snakes of various types and colors. They might be Indian cobras, king cobras, vipers, or other venomous snakes common in India.

After playfully engaging with the venomous snakes, a horrifying performance begins.

Manu slides his hand into a wooden box and lifts out a small snake with his thumb and forefinger. It could be a small venomous snake, with multiple colors, appearing fearsome.

Manu places the snake’s head into his nostril. The snake wriggles, coils its body, gradually entering deeper into his nostril. When the snake is halfway inside, Manu opens his mouth, and from the depths of his throat, the snake slithers out.

From the darkness of his nostril, the snake’s head emerges, mouth agape, tongue flickering, appearing even more terrifying in its anger.

But it doesn’t stop there. Manu continues by putting his hand back into the wooden box and retrieves another venomous snake, inserting its head into his other nostril. Two snakes emerge, their tails protruding from his nostrils, their heads protruding from his mouth, terrifying anyone present.

Not only does he allow the snakes to enter his nostrils and exit from his mouth, but Manu also performs the act of swallowing the snakes and guiding them out through his nostrils. The venomous snake’s head emerges from his nostril, mouth gaping, exhaling a terrifying breath.

It is known that Manu was born into a poor family with no circus background. From a young age, he was drawn to peculiar and daring acts.

When he was 10 years old, while eating, he sneezed forcefully, and to his surprise, some grains of rice from his mouth came out of his nostrils. That’s when young Manu discovered that his nostrils were connected to his mouth.

With that thought in mind, Manu started experimenting by inserting small objects deep into his nostrils. Surprisingly, those objects came out through his mouth. He often performed these tricks, inserting objects into his nostrils and retrieving them from his mouth for his classmates to watch.

As these acts became more effortless, Manu attempted various objects such as electrical wires, banana stems, and soft potatoes.

When these performances became too simple, Manu started experimenting with snakes. The snakes wriggling in his nostrils caused him immense pain. But with his daring nature and a love for performing, Manu persevered, closing his eyes, enduring the pain, and learning to control the snakes to make them obedient.

Nowadays, the act of venomous snakes slithering through his mouth and nostrils has become normal for Manu. However, many people with weak hearts still cannot bear to watch Manu’s horrifying performances.

Not only does he allow venomous snakes to pass through his mouth and nostrils, but Manu also demonstrates the snakes biting his body. What’s extraordinary is that he does not use any antidotes or snakebite treatments. Manu has allowed numerous types of snakes to bite him and inject venom into his body, yet he remains unaffected