The truth about alarming rumors of bizarre genetic mutations in monkeys causing distress in humans.

These creatures appear to be a chimera of a spider-monkey and an insect. They are small, typically only about two feet in height and have six limbs in total. The head and limbs have hair, but the rest of the body appears to be naked, which is not the case – they have tough, exoskeleton-like coating that makes them somewhat impervious to most slashing and piercing attacks. They gain a damage reduction of 10 against both types of attacks.

The ears are large and the teeth seemingly too big for their mouths, and they have vestigial mandibles jutting from the lower jaw. These can extend and hook, inflicting nasty damage on top of their bite.


As if the common Mire Lurker was not bad enough, it turns out that there are massive armored monsters who are the mother of all these creatures. The Queen is so large it can easily strike fear into the most stalwart explorers of the wastelands and can easily rip through most creatures it encounters.

The monster is easily thirty feet in height and weighs in at around 20 tons, all of it nearly impenetrable armor. When engaged in combat, the creature is completely immune to all non-energy based attacks, shrugging off hits with the ease, which often causes foes to flee, as it seems to be a nearly impossible to stop killing machine. Even those who run away find that the creature is still deadly, being able to shoot a caustic poison up to five hundred feet. The poison is class six and has a deadly added component – it is acid. The acid burns for 4d8 points of damage a round, reducing by 1d8 per round until it no longer affects the target. Anything caught in the acid must make a saving throw each round against acid or suffer 1d3 points of condition levels of damage.