The 800-Hundred-Year Curse Of The Tomb of Genghis Khan: The World’s Most Monumental

Ancient emperors built tombs as a way to be remembered by posterity. Tomb of Tan Thuy Hoang, Thirteen Tombs of the Ming Dynasty (13 kings of the Ming Dynasty), Tomb of the Qing Dynasty… are all places where the emperor is buried after his death.

The vastness and scale of the tomb of Qin Shi Huang along with a lot of buried objects also surprised and admired later generations. However, only the tombs of the emperors of the Yuan dynasty before and after are still shrouded in mystery.


Before his death, the emperor of this mausoleum left a will that his tomb would never be found and until 800 years later, his tomb remained a great mystery to the world. with archeology.

Genghis Khan (commonly known as Tietmuzhen) was a Mongol Khan and founder of the Mongol Empire after uniting independent tribes in Northeast Asia in 1206.

Genghis Khan is the most revered emperor of the Mongols. Image source: tinmoi

He was a prominent and important military man of world history, he was held with the highest respect by the Mongols, as a leader who ended centuries of civil wars, struggles and conflicts. land and brought unity to the Mongol tribes. His grandson and later successor, Kublai Khan, established the Yuan dynasty in China.

He and his sons conquered peoples from the Adriatic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea to the Pacific Ocean, reaching the lands of what is now Austria, Finland, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, and Vietnam. South, Myanmar, Japan and Indonesia.


At its most powerful, the Mongols controlled a vast territory stretching from Asia to Europe covering an area of 28.5 to 31 million square kilometers, equal to the area of Africa (30.4 million square kilometers).

According to some historical records, Genghis Khan had a very special policy: To capture and capture all the most beautiful girls in each land he occupied. With each return march, Genghis Khan and other generals sat in their tents, ate a platter of horse meat, and watched the faces of the captive girls. It is possible that for this reason his lineage and descendants spread far and wide.


The Tomb of Genghis Khan and the “Death” Curse

Genghis Khan died on April 18, 1227 during the siege of Ningxia – an autonomous region of the Hui ethnic group located in the Northwest Loess Plateau, Yellow River, China. The cause of his death to this day is still a mystery that has not been answered, some theories suggest that he died in battle, suffered a serious illness or fell from his horse on the march.


Even the grave where his body was buried is a great mystery to the scientific community. Genghis Khan, during his lifetime of war, swept with his cavalry from Asia to Europe, dominating countless rich strongholds.

Therefore, the Qulishi site believes that the tomb of this Mongol king will certainly contain countless treasures and rich treasures, bringing together all Western and Eastern cultures.

The death of the “Mongolian war god” is still a big question for posterity. Image source: tinmoi

One of the only certain facts that the historical records of Genghis Khan agree on is that his body was brought back to Mongolia after his death.

Many Mongolian historians believe that his body was buried near the Onon River, and according to Marco Polo’s account, the “Mongolian war god” was most likely buried in the Altay mountains where many gods King of Mongolia rest in peace.

Until now, the people of Mongolia still want the world to find the tomb of this great leader.

There are even rumors that the tomb of Genghis Khan is protected by a “death curse”. However, this did not stop the curiosity and search spirit of the archaeologists.


Until now, the people of Mongolia still want the world to find the tomb of this great leader. There are even rumors that the tomb of Genghis Khan is protected by a “death curse”. However, this did not stop the curiosity and search spirit of the archaeologists.

Searches in vain

In 2001, a rich and famous businessman from Chicago (USA) named Maury Kravitz organized a search for the tomb of Genghis Khan in the mountains of northern Mongolia.

The Khentii mountains are considered to be the site of the tomb of Genghis Khan. Photo: Grunge

After more than four times of extremely expensive searches, the Mongolian government finally banned Maury Kravitz’s archaeological team from digging on this mountain.

Legend has it that, when he was young, the “Mongolian war god” once went to the top of Mount Khentii to hide from his enemies, and when he stood on the top of the mountain, he prayed to heaven to give him boundless strength to dominate the kingdoms. Mongol tribe.

This wish of Genghis Khan later became a reality and since then, Mount Khentii has a spiritual meaning and is considered a “sacred mountain” by the Mongols.

Meanwhile, few people know that in the Middle Ages, Mount Khentii was called Burkhan Khaldun, which in Mongolian means “Great Forbidden Land”.

In 2009, under the sponsorship of National Geographic, Albert Lin organized a large-scale search for the tomb of Genghis Khan on the very top of Mount Khentii.

The tomb of Genghis Khan is said to contain countless treasures. Photo: SCMP

The group applied advanced archeological methods when they did not have to dig up the terrain, so they received the response of the public. Also here, the archaeological team discovered a large number of antiques such as the first, ceramic products…

Meanwhile in another effort, the Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology of the University of California (USA) has applied 3D technology with high resolution to search for the tomb of Genghis Khan around this mountain. with the help of more than 10,000 volunteers. However, the clues about the tomb of the ‘Mongolian war god’ are still unknown.

In 2012, a team of archaeologists in the US led by University of Chicago historian Woods announced that they had found the tomb of Genghis Khan in a mountain a few miles from the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar. about 200km to the North but they couldn’t excavate because of the ‘curse’.

This archaeological team said that Genghis Khan’s tomb was protected by a 2km-long wall and that many snakes suddenly appeared and sprayed venom when members of the archaeological team came to dig the wall.

One of the thrilling points when the archaeological team conducted a search for Genghis Khan, many of the group’s cars suddenly plunged down the mountain for unknown reasons. Meanwhile, many Mongols also condemned the American archaeological team because they thought their ancestors were being insulted, which forced the archaeologists to return to the US in regret.

The search for Genghis Khan’s tomb was fraught with difficulties due to poor resources and technical problems.

The area of Mongolia is extremely large with many uninhabited wilderness areas, so finding the grave is like “searching for a needle in the seabed” and after many efforts to search for 800 years, posterity still raises big questions about the tomb area. Genghis Khan’s tomb because there were no clues about the location of the tomb of the “Mongolian war god” despite the appearance of countless mysterious rumors.