Photographer Catched The Moment Of Baby Bears In Finland Forest ‘Dancing’ Like Little Children In Magic Film

Photographer Catched The Moment Of Baby Bears In Finland Forest ‘Dancing’ Like Little Children In Magic Film

Physical education teacher Valtteri Mulkahainen from Sotkamo, Finland is a true lover of nature photography. He has been spending the past 6 years shooting his country’s wildlife. And he has been able to successfully capture a lot of magical moments.

On the 3rd of June, 2013, Valtteri was planning to explore the Finnish taiga around the town of Martinselkonen. That is when he saw a bear coming to a clearing with a few cubs.

“The cubs behaved like little children,” Valtteri told. “They were playing, and even started a few friendly fights. I felt like I was on a playground in front of my house, where small children frolic around. That’s how much they reminded me of little children. At one point, the three of them got up on their hind legs and started pushing each other. It was like they were dancing in a circle.”

Valtteri was in a shelter 50 meters (164 feet) away from where the action was happening and that is how he got the perfect view. “I photographed the cubs with the bear all evening and all night,” he said.

Bears are pretty common in Finland, except for Aland Islands. Most of them live in the eastern part of the country and Lapland, but you can spot a cute bear in the southern and western areas as well.

Bears are agile as well as strong.

They use their forelegs for both huntings and getting around.

They are also very good at swimming and climbing.

However, bears typically try to avoid human contact.

Once they detect the presence of humans, they retreat and hide quickly. That is why they are such a rare sight.

Keen senses and the ability to move silently make them perfect at this game of hide and seek.

It is amazing that the photographer took such amazing shots.

They are adorable as well.

According to the latest assessments by the Finnish Natural Resources Institute, there were between 2020 and 2130 bears before the 2019 hunting season.



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