First sightings: Mystery snakes with legs and claws were first observed in China

First sightings: Mystery snakes with legs and claws were first observed in China

A 66-year-old woman province – saw the animal clinging to the wall of her bedroom in the middle of the night.

“I woke up and heard a strange rustling sound. I turned on the light and saw this bizarre creature moving on the wall with its claws,” She said.

The woman said that, because she was so scared, she grabbed a shoe and beat the snake to death. Then she dropped it into a pitcher of wine.

According to the Telegraph, the snake has a length of 40 cm. Scientists from a university are studying the animal.


A snake expert, commented: “This is a strange snake. We hope to find out what caused it to have legs after surgery.”

A genetic mutation may be one of the reasons why snakes grow legs. However, most such snakes usually have two heads. Catching two-headed snakes is considered a lucky omen by the Chinese. But most of them are not likely to live long in the wild because the two heads tend to attack each other.

Some snakes have hip remains, and remnants of limbs, around their cloaca. In addition, all snake genomes contain the DNA needed to make a genus, so mutations can occur with slight changes in some of the Hox genes, which determine the structure of the genus. body.


Pollution has been shown to cause mutations in the Hox gene in frogs, it’s not an intellectual leap to imagine the same thing happening to a snake.

Currently, scientists are conducting an autopsy to determine if this is a new mutation or if this is just a fabrication.


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