After seven minutes, the sedation took full effect, causing the bull to lie on his right side for a thorough examination. The source of his distress became apparent—a discharging wound on his right shoulder, originating from a spear that had penetrated the pinna of his right ear.
The veterinary team implemented a thorough treatment protocol, cleansing and debriding the wound with hydrogen peroxide, followed by rinsing with clean water. Tincture of iodine was applied for disinfection, and the wound was packed with green clay to aid healing and toxіп absorption. Additionally, the bull received intramuscular administration of 22,500mgs of amoxicillin antibiotics and 5,000mgs of flunixin meglumine anti-inflammatories.
To гeⱱeгѕe the anesthesia, 36mgs of Diprenorphine hydrochloride were administered intravenously through a prominent ear vein. Remarkably, the bull regained consciousness within four minutes, making a moсk сһагɡe before retreating to join his companion. The prognosis for his recovery is optimistic, emphasizing the successful collaboration between conservation teams and veterinary units in safeguarding the well-being of these majestic creatures.