Video Of A Penguin Couple Holding Hands While Walking Along The Beach In South Africa Went Viral

Video Of A Penguin Couple Holding Hands While Walking Along The Beach In South Africa Went Viral

There is no strange to see couples and newlyweds hand-in-hand taking a romantic stroll on the beach. They love their partners and enjoy every moment they spend together. The special affection for the other half is shown through the eyes and small gestures like hugging and hand-holding. Their hearts are filled with love and happiness.

Recently, an old video of a penguin couple holding hands while walking along the beach in South Africa went viral again. It’s such a romantic scene that makes all lonely souls jealous. Some people hilariously comment that why these marine creatures find their partners but they don’t. I can’t stop laughing when reading these funny comments.

The pair strolls alongside each other. They even stop to glance at each other for a moment. Time seems to stop for minutes there. The scene (nature and animals) softens the toughest parts of our hearts. It turns out, happiness is simple.

These beautiful moments were captured by Norma Landeros-Ramirez after she and her husband while were on their honeymoon. The penguin couple’s sweet gesture got them astonished. The newlywed hoped that they could also go through peaceful days together like the penguins.

“Since my husband and I are newlyweds, I wanted to see the penguins because I have heard that they keep one partner for life, so it seemed fitting,” Norma said.

As you may know, penguins are incredibly loyal birds. The bond between the male and female is so strong. Gentoos, the most loyal and monogamous species in the penguin, pair up with the same partner in every mating season to almost 90%.

The interesting thing is that penguins split up over winter. It means that they travel up to 10,000 miles a year to seek their love. They get back together in the same nest and produce new chicks.



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