The Emotional Reunion Of 3 Generations Of An Elephant Family After 12 Years Apart

The Emotional Reunion Of 3 Generations Of An Elephant Family After 12 Years Apart

Every reunion is precious, family or friend. A lot of emotions burst out and happy tears are shed at that moment. Just imagine how happy you are when you meet your beloved parents, brothers, sisters, or friends after a long time.

You will treasure every minute of the reunion. Give these people a big hug to show that you love and miss them a lot.

Today’s story is about the emotional reunion of 3 generations of an elephant family: Pori the grandmother, 39, Tana the daughter, 19, and Tamika and Elani the granddaughters, 4 and 1. The mother and the daughter have been separated for 12 years. When they met again, they can’t wait to touch their trunks to each other.

Although the two haven’t been together for quite a long time, they still realize each other. They greet each other right from their enclosures. The family has a special connection that doesn’t fade away over time.

When Tana introduced her kids to her mother for the first time, the grandmother didn’t hide her special affection for her offerings. She held them out with her trunks. She wanted to say that she couldn’t be happier to see them.

This particular family reunion happens at the Bergzoo in the eastern city of Halle. The grandmother elephant was transferred from her former home in Berlin to this zoo for the reunion. It follows a part of EEP, a conservation breeding program that enables captive animals to see their herds again.


In order to help these animals have more time to relax and reconnect to each other, the zoo will close the elephant house for a period of time.

‘Pori’s arrival in Halle is an important step in modern elephant husbandry. In the future, all elephant herds in European zoos should be cared for in such natural family structures. Today we have come a great deal closer to this goal, ‘Dr Dennis Muller, the Zoo director said.

This program is very meaningful to wild animals. They are kept away from their herd and family for a long time and are given a chance to meet them. Is there anything better in this life?



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