The biggest "golden" fish ever recorded in the world is caught

The biggest “golden” fish ever recorded in the world is caught

After a 25-minute battle, UK angler Andy Hackett caught a colossal carp, nicknamed “The Carrot,” that weighed in at a staggering 67 pounds, 4 ounces (30 kilograms).

The giant fish is believed to be the second largest of her type ever to be caught, according to BlueWater Lakes, the fishery in France’s Champagne region where the giant lives.With its striking orange color, the massive goldfish-like creature easily stands out as it swims below the water’s surface. The Carrot, however, has proven to be a challenge to catch.

Hackett landed the prized fish, a hybrid of a leather carp and a koi carp, on November 3 while visiting the lake site.

Ever-growing goldfish

“With normal fish, you struggle to see them if they’re just under the surface, but The Carrot is obviously bright orange so you can’t miss it,” Hackett told BBC. “It’s a much sought-after fish, not many people have caught it, it’s quite elusive.”BlueWater Lakes provides anglers with a private spot to try a hand at pulling in one of its many fish weighing over 50 pounds (22.7 kilograms) — and some even over 90 pounds (40 kilograms).”We put The Carrot in about 20 years ago as something different for the customers to fish for. Since then it has grown and grown but it doesn’t often come out,” fishery manager Jason Cowler told the Daily Mail. “It’s not the biggest resident in the lake, but by far the most outstanding.”After Hackett pulled in Carrot and had her weighed, she was released back into the lake. The fishery has a “no retention” rule put in place, so anglers never carry the fish onto land. The BlueWater team also noted on its Facebook page that the fish are treated for any injuries before their prompt release back into the water.The fishery has monitored Carrot’s growth fairly often, as she was pulled in nine times by fishermen last season. After breaking the 60-pound (27-kilogram) mark for the first time in February, the carp swam free for nine months until Hackett reeled her in.

The biggest “golden” fish in the world is caught

According to English media, it took this fisherman 25 minutes to catch this rare goldfish.

The media writes that he is a goldfish in his own right, the orange freak of nature is actually a hybrid species of skin carp and koi carp, ornamental fish commonly found in ponds.


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