Escape of the Alien Colonel J-Rod from Area 51, "Re-analyzed"

Escape of the Alien Colonel J-Rod from Area 51, “Re-analyzed”

Take a peek at the remarkable testimonies of Michael Schratt, a military aerospace historian. In this scenario, Michael Schratt gives some detail on Dr. Dan Burisch’s popular encounter with a grey alien colonel identified as “J-Rod.”

This historic moment of the interaction between a human and an alien was allegedly taking place at the S4 facility, about 12 miles away from the notorious Area 51.

Among the several other pieces of information given by Shratt, it includes sketches of the flight simulator and also a very accurate scheme of the various divisions of the facility.

According to the Area 51 former employee there are dozens. If not hundreds of videos documenting unidentified flying objects in space and even on our very own planet.

But they are kept hidden and safe in the bunkers of area 51. And they have been in their possession for a very long time now.

The video that he brought with him showcases what appears to a real UFO being constructed by the US-Air Force. Despite this, it is clear that the materials used are not earthly in nature.

There are many more secret videos that are hidden to the public, but according to the employee. These will all come to light eventually. And the truth will once and for all be laid out on the masses.


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