VIDEO: Magical Moment Blue Whale Appears To Blow Stunning Rainbow Heart

VIDEO: Magical Moment Blue Whale Appears To Blow Stunning Rainbow Heart

Tanakit Suwanyangyaun, a photographer, had the good fortune to capture one of the gorgeous animals opening its blowhole. This fantastic image shows a blue whale coming up for breath and blowing a rainbow-colored heart.

Although the water droplets and sunlight fall in such a way that they appear to be blowing rainbow-colored hearts, this is not the case. Tanakit had spent the day on a scuba diving tour, touring the region close to Sri Lanka while swimming with the whales. He was delighted to snap this extra unique photo above the water after taking pictures of himself with the most giant mammals on Earth underwater.

“The images are a dream come true for me,” Tanakit remarked.

Aside from the water, he was also thrilled to take this superb photo above it.

He said: “The photos are a dream come true for me. “I’d longed to swim with blue whales all my life – it was such an unforgettable experience.

“The whales were swimming past quite quickly, we only saw each one for a few seconds before it swam off, so I was very lucky. “I’d go back again and again if I had the chance.”


“I’d longed to swim with blue whales all my life – it was such an unforgettable experience. The whales were swimming past quite quickly, we only saw each one for a few seconds before it swam off, so I was very lucky. I’d go back again and again if I had the chance.”

There is a joke on Pinterest that the rainbow represents the LGBTQ+ community, one said, “Gay whale calling for a mate”

The photo of the whale leaving its soul has been described as an interesting and rare photo. Zeyneplanbenn said, “rare photo of a whale leaving its soul.”

The symbolism of the unicorn is associated with divinity, freedom, tenderness, virginity, innocence, and magic. The unicorn is regarded by Christians as a representation of both Christ and Mother Mary. There’s a reason that more than one Pinterest user says, “Whales are the unicorns of the sea!”

The presence of unicorns in dreams is believed to symbolize luck, joy, and good fortune. The appearance of a whale is often compared to the appearance of a unicorn, so it is likely you have a piece of good luck in your life.

Wanna spread happiness and luck to your friends? Please share this fantastic whale story!




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