Heartwarming and Surprising Twin Facts That Will Amaze You


The likelihood of having a twin pregnancy is іпсгeаѕed by maternal age, especially those aged 30 and above. Fraternal twinning is genetically predisposed and occurs when a woman releases more than one egg at the same time.

Identical twins, on the other hand, result from a random split of a single egg and cannot be genetically predisposed. Male twins will not have twins unless their wives have the ability to produce two eggs.

Identical twins share the same DNA but do not have the same fingerprints. Approximately 1 in 250 pregnancies can result in identical twins. Left-handedness occurs in 22% of twins compared to 10% in singletons.

Vanishing twin syndrome, where one fetus is miscarried, occurs in 15-20% of all twin pregnancies.

Once you have fraternal twins, you are 3 to 4 times more likely to have another set. Nigeria has the highest rate of multiple births and more identical twins. A study shows that vegans are five times less likely to have twins compared to women who consume dairy.

Examining 3D ultrasound images, a study in Padua, Italy found that fetuses start deliberately interacting at 14 weeks. 40% of twins invent their own language. Over 50% of twins are born before 37 weeks. The average birth weight for a twin is 5 lbs 5 oz.