In a chilling tale of nature’s һoггoг, lions launch a гeɩeпtɩeѕѕ аttасk on a young elephant, as the adult elephants fiercely Ьаttɩe to save their ⱱᴜɩпeгаЬɩe kin. The wіɩd unfolds its spine-tingling dгаmа!

A helpless calf found itself at the centre of a dramatic stand-off between its herd and a pair of hungry lionesses.

This stunning series of photographs, taken in the Ruaha National Park in Tanzania, captures the moment the herd of elephants desperately tried to protect their calf.

Two herds of elephants had been drinking from the water, when the baby elephant appeared to become separated from the rest of the group as it tried to cross the Mwagusi River.

But two keen-eyed lionesses were quickly on the hunt, drawing ever closer to the terrified calf.

Relaxing: Elephants seen playing in the mud with a young elephant in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania, on September 18


Predatory: The keen-eyed lions draw ever closer to the baby elephant, as the herd of elephants gather force to stand up to them


Dramatic entrance: The lions scatter as an adult elephant arrives on the scene, desperate to protect the calf and help it to safety


Following their initial attack, the lions managed to injure the calf. Yet, the adult elephants were alerted by the distressed cries and swiftly rushed to intervene.

Despite their earnest efforts to guide the injured calf to safety, the young one’s injuries were severe, rendering it incapable of walking.

In a tense standoff between the two animal groups, the lions ultimately emerged victorious, overpowering the exhausted calf.

Tour operator Paul Tickner documented this gripping sequence on September 18th.

The 30-year-old recounted, “At one point, two and then three lions were on the elephant’s back, attempting to bring it down. The elephant quickly succumbed, seemingly due to exhaustion, and it appeared that the struggle was over. However, I knew the elephant was still alive.”

He continued, “The lions were visibly uneasy, constantly scanning their surroundings as the calf’s alarmed cries filled the air. They were aware that their actions could attract nearby elephants, having experienced this situation before.”

While instances of lions collaborating to bring down fully grown elephants are infrequent, this type of kill is recognized. Mother elephants are renowned for their intense protective instincts over their offspring, although it’s speculated that the baby calf’s parent was too distant to provide aid.


Watch and wait: The hungry lioness watches on as an adult elephant tries to help the injured baby calf to safety, in a tense stand-off


Inevitable: But the lions are victorious and attack the baby elephant, which has become weakened by the onslaught and unable to escape


Nevertheless, one female member of the herd attempted to come to the aid of the young elephant, but her efforts were in vain.

Paul, originally from Reading, UK, recounted, “Before long, a small group of females did arrive to assist the calf, driving the lions away. Heartrendingly, the adult female did everything in her power to encourage the calf to stand up. In a mixture of frustration and fear, the adult elephant turned away, while the calf appeared desolate.”

He continued, “In an agonizing turn of events, the lions, now in a determined hunting mode, approached the calf once more. The calf let out a desperate cry, prompting the adult female to swiftly turn around and chase off the lions, who this time quickly retreated due to the elephants’ imposing size.”

“Due to a combination of panic, confusion, and injuries to its legs, the calf was unable to regain its footing. Tragically, the calf’s mother had already moved too far away to hear its distress calls. Recognizing the futility of the situation, the adult elephant eventually departed, leaving the calf to its unfortunate fate.”

Paul concluded, “Had it been the mother, she would never have left so swiftly. This illustrates the profound bond that exists between mother elephants and their offspring.”

Team work: The lions work together to bring down the baby elephant, which is by now exhausted, and earn themselves a full meal

Victory: More lions gather to enjoy the feast that the two lionesses have brought. They keep a keen eye on their surroundings to make sure no other predators attempt to take their meal


Gruesome: The victorious lions feed on their catch, after the elephants give up trying to save the baby and move away back into the park


Satisfied: A lioness is seen resting on the banks of the river, enjoying her full belly after the exhausting effort of the hunt


Devastating loss: The herd of elephants move away into the national park after the dramatic stand-off, having lost their calf to the lions