Suspected aliens appear in masterpieces of world painting

Suspicions about aliens have never been a less hot topic.

The history of human development has gone through many different cultures, with political – cultural – social imprints, and of course not to mention art.

From ancient cave paintings to woven carpets with strange patterns and shapes, many people question whether aliens have visited Earth in the past.

Although art experts assert that most of it is just a misunderstanding about symbols or images in religion. But let’s take a look at some works of art that make people think of UFOs and entities in outer space.

1. Painting “Saint Wolfgang and the Devil” – 1475

Famous Austrian Renaissance painter Michael Pacher created this work based on a legend that Saint Wolfgang (Bishop of Regensburg in Bavaria in the 10th century) tricked the devil into building a church.

Conspiracy theories claim that the illustration of the devil in the painting may be the image of an alien that has appeared on Earth.

However, it seems that this time the “conspiracy scientists” have let their imagination go too far. This theory is completely unstable because the devil has been represented in many different forms throughout the history of religious painting.

2. Painting “The Annunciation of Saint Emidius” – 1486

This is an altar painting painted by Italian artist Carlo Crivelli in 1486. This work depicts the event when the Archangel Gabriel descended to announce the good news to Mother Mary that she was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. .

The theory is that the halo painted in the left corner of the sky is a UFO spacecraft.

But according to experts, this is actually a set of angels flying in a circle on the clouds. The circle and halo symbolize the spirit of the Annunciation.

3. Painting “Madonna and Saint Giovannino” – 15th century

Italian Renaissance artist Domenico Ghirlandaio depicted the scene of Jesus’ Mother Mary looking down at two children. This painting is displayed at Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy.

We can make out a strange object flying above the right side of Mary’s head. This object is believed by some UFO hunters to be an alien ship. The reason given is that the object has no effect in that context.

Additionally, to further support their hypothesis, they pointed out that in the painting, one of the two children is squinting his eyes and covering the light with his hand. And in the far right, there was a man raising his hands as if avoiding a strange object.

However, painting experts say that works in this field often depict clouds emitting light. This is just a religious symbol, not a UFO at all.

4. Painting “Praise to God” – 1600

This 17th-century painting by Italian artist Ventura Salimbeni depicts a scene of God and Jesus looking down on the kingdom of man.

Everything would be completely normal if there wasn’t a spherical object with two sticks that looked like… antennas stuck on it (something that didn’t appear until 1957 under the name of the spaceship Sputnik).

Conspiracy theorists on the Youtube channel Strange Mysteries mentioned a strange connection between the two in a video post in 2014: “If the spherical object represents the universe, why didn’t the artist draw more Why or meteorite?”

This raises the question: Did God time travel? Or have aliens visited Earth and brought modern technology with them?

5. Painting “The Baptism of the Lord”, 1710

Painting experts believe that this painting is based on a religious event recorded as follows: “The gates of heaven opened, angels descended to earth like doves, giving him light.”

This painting was painted in the 18th century by Dutch artist Aert De Gelder. UFO hunters believe that the disc-shaped object emitting light upon John and Jesus could be a UFO.

They also said that De Gelder – a famous artist at that time – painted this picture because he wanted to convince people that Jesus had a connection with aliens.

6. “Ume No Chiri” – 1844

“Urobune” is a mysterious UFO-like object found on the East Coast of Japan during the Hitachi Dynasty in 1803.

According to the notes accompanying the illustration of this object, we can know that it is made of steel and glass, large enough to hold a small person. The sailors also said they found a strange scroll that they could not decipher along with a strange object.