Heartwarming moment father and son save deer trapped on frozen lake

Heartwarming moment father and son save deer trapped on frozen lake

A dramatic video shows the moment a father and son worked together to save a deer that became trapped on a frozen river in Pennsylvania.

Michael Konopka and his son, Christian, came across the helpless animal on Saturday.

In the video, the trapped doe can be seen laying down on the ice over the frozen Monongahela River.

Michael Konopka (left and right) and his son, Christian, came across the helpless deer on Saturday laying on the frozen Monongahela River. Michael slowly makes his way to the deer while tethered to his son, who was ready to pull him back in case his dad fell into the water

As Michael got closer to the frightened animal, the deer tried to escape. But the deer slipped on the ice and fell to the ground

‘Bud, alright please. Don’t fall in,’ Michael is heard warning his son as he began to inch out onto the ice.

Michael slowly makes his way to the deer while tethered to his son, who was ready to pull him back in case his dad fell into the water.

As Michael got closer to the frightened animal, the doe tried to escape, but it slipped on the ice and fell to the ground.


‘Bud, alright please. Don’t fall in,’ Michael is heard warning his son as he began to inch out onto the ice.

Michael slowly makes his way to the deer while tethered to his son, who was ready to pull him back in case his dad fell into the water.

As Michael got closer to the frightened animal, the doe tried to escape, but it slipped on the ice and fell to the ground.

It’s okay. Relax,’ Michael is heard saying in the video as he leans down to grab the deer.

When Michael finally gets a grip on the frightened animal, she attempts to make a run for it again and causes the hunter to drop her.

In his second attempt, Michael lifts the deer up and starts to make his way back to safety

Once the deer got closer to land, she let out a loud bleat and struggled to get away from Michael and his son.

The father-son duo then lift the doe off the ice and onto the ground.

Having been on the ice for so long, the deer stumbled as she tried to dash away. She fell into the bushes before finally regaining some strength to keep moving.

A short time later, the hunters posted the video on Facebook.

‘Today was a good day. Yes we hunt we fish, we love the outdoors but the love we have for wildlife is more than just a bunch of guys in camo running around like a bunch of disrespectful red necks as Peta would say,’ Michael wrote on Facebook.

‘Yes we take wildlife but when a chance to give back comes a long we will do it. It’s all about conservation and doing the right thing. Thanks to my son, I couldn’t have done it without you,’ he added.

Michael and his son hunt often and photos show Michael posing alongside other hunters and their kill.


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