A mother’s anguish is clear as her 4-year-old child is called a “pregnant boy” by villagers.


The profound emotional turmoil is unmistakable in the cries of a mother whose 4-year-old child has been cruelly labeled a “pregnant boy” by the inhabitants of their village.

Sofia, a mother of four, has shared a harrowing account of the distressing ordeal her youngest son, a mere four years of age, has endured. In her narrative, this troubling situation began just two days after giving birth to him. She returned to the hospital for a check-up, only to notice a rapid expansion of her son’s abdomen. From that moment onwards, his unusual condition persisted, leaving her and those around her utterly bewildered and deeply concerned.

Acknowledging the seriousness of the situation, they recommended that she seek medical attention at a prominent hospital where doctors could diagnose the cause of her son’s abdominal enlargement more effectively.

Sofia asserted that the doctor consistently referred them to larger, more equipped hospitals due to their inability to identify the cause of her son’s condition. In their pursuit of answers and treatment, they were forced to sell their assets to cover the mounting medical expenses. Regrettably, despite their relentless efforts and sacrifices, their son did not respond positively to the treatments administered.

In their village, a widespread belief that her four-year-old son, Ananus, is pregnant has brought immense challenges to Sofia and her family. Ananus’s condition has prevented him from starting school, causing severe discomfort and disrupting his sleep.

In a heartfelt plea, Ananus’s mother is now reaching out to family and friends, seeking financial support to raise the necessary funds for advanced medical treatment in India. Her hope is that this treatment will enable her son to lead a normal life, attend school with his peers, and overcome the difficulties he currently endures.