Amazing pictures of two bunnies suspended midair as they execute aerial punches, kicks, and flips against their opponents

Rabbit photography team Takayuki Nakamura and Moya Nakamura—known professionally as uta—recently captured a series of photographs that feature an epic rabbit battle.

They compare the moment to a scene right out of the popular fighting anime and manga series Fist of the North Star. Although rabbits are usually seen as pretty cute and cuddly creatures, it seems that the normally docile animals can also pack quite the punch. Plus, if these photos are any indication, then these cotton-tailed creatures could give even the most highly skilled martial arts master a run for their money.

The pictures show the two bunnies suspended midair as they execute aerial punches, kicks, and flips against their opponents. From the looks of the exchange, one rabbit seems to emerge the clear victor after landing what appears to have been an impressive side kick. And the snapshots couldn’t have been more perfectly timed to immortalize the energetic exchange.

People in the comments couldn’t help but compare the scene to other epic anime battles and fight scenes from popular manga and fighter games. One Twitter user even shared a snapshot of a manga that actually features a battling rabbit. After those apt comparisons, one commenter couldn’t help but edit the image to look like a scene straight out of a video game, complete with player energy and stamina bars. Another commenter also made an illustration of a similar scene inspired by the photographs.

Scroll down to see images of the epic bunny battle. And for more adorable rabbit photography and general bunny-related content, follow uta on Twitter and Facebook.