“Bennie’s Odyssey as the Protector of the Ugab: A Story of Trust, Transformation, and Gentle Strength”

“In 2021, we equipped Bennie with a collar to ensure the safety of both him and the elephants in Ugab West. As the largest bull in the Ugab River, Bennie’s authoritative presence is apparent to all, extending even to those of us who are not proboscidean creatures.

The Ugab River is his chosen abode, and he has called it home since our first encounter. Depending on the seasons and his reproductive state, Bennie ventures both far west and east. It’s conceivable that he settled in the Ugab River before our involvement in the area. Initially, Bennie displayed a less relaxed demeanor and often mock-charged when around people. Witnessing his transformation over time, as he became more relaxed and trusting, has been truly remarkable.

Before the unfortunate demise of Voortrekker in 2019, Bennie engaged in battles with him during musth, resulting in deep scars for Bennie and a lost tusk for Voortrekker. Despite this, Voortrekker remained the dominant bull. Following Voortrekker’s death, Bennie assumed the role of the primary breeding bull in the Ugab River, undergoing noticeable changes and rapid growth year by year.

Bennie’s gentle and cautious nature reflects his aversion to trouble, demonstrating wisdom in avoiding unnecessary danger. His indispensable presence in the Ugab River naturally positioned him as the guardian of young male elephants. Taking on a paternal role, Bennie imparts lessons of respect, boundaries, and safe behavior in a world dominated by humans.

Observing a majestic bull like Bennie is a truly special experience, evoking a sense of calm and awe as he moves thoughtfully and respectfully among all living beings.

Ensuring Bennie’s protection is paramount, and EHRA is wholeheartedly dedicated to safeguarding this magnificent elephant.”


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