Birth on Wheels: Midwives’ Incredible Support in Guiding a Mother Through a Vehicle Delivery


Residing a considerable 45 minutes away from the nearest hospital, Katie Kinna was determined to allow ample time for the birth of her second child. Despite experiencing contractions that seemed erratic, she found reassurance over the phone from the midwives, who assured her that she was still in the early stages of labor. Consequently, Katie chose to continue laboring at home.

However, merely 40 minutes later, the situation took an unexpected turn. Katie and her partner found themselves racing towards the hospital, with the imminent arrival of their baby. Although they managed to reach the hospital premises, they fell short of making it inside. In a remarkable turn of events, Katie gave birth in the car, right at the hospital doors, while her partner Paul captured poignant images of this unexpected moment.

Katie and Paul had already experienced the heartbreak of miscarriages after deciding to expand their family last year. They were already parents to their adorable son, Bodhi. These previous losses prompted Katie to seek the expertise of a specialist, just to be cautious. However, the following week, she discovered that she was pregnant once again.

As the pregnancy progressed, Katie began experiencing contractions that intermittently disrupted her sleep, causing her to wake up. These contractions signaled the onset of the labor process.


Throughout the day, Katie’s contractions occurred at irregular intervals, ranging from 10 to 25 minutes apart. However, by 2 p.m., they began to exhibit a more consistent pattern, with a frequency closer to 10 minutes. As the day progressed, by 5 p.m., the contractions intensified further, occurring between four and six minutes apart. Katie found herself moaning with each contraction, a clear indication of their increasing intensity. Recognizing the need to take action, she realized it was time to contact the birthing suite for further guidance and assistance.

The birthing suite was contacted, considering the 45-minute distance between Katie’s home and the hospital. The staff wanted to ensure she had enough time to reach the hospital. Despite the urgency, Katie was informed that she was still in the early stages of labor and advised to hold on for as long as possible.

As Katie and Paul made their way to the hospital, her contractions intensified, occurring just two to three minutes apart. She pleaded with Paul to hasten their journey to the hospital.

With minutes remaining before reaching the hospital, Katie’s contractions were coming in strong. Filled with moans and the distinct grunt that signaled the urge to push, she knew it was time to start pushing. She turned to her partner, using her low, grunting voice, and declared the need to push. However, her partner’s worried expression strongly conveyed a message of caution, as if pleading with her not to push just yet. It was a moment of lighthearted irony amidst the intensity of the situation, as Katie playfully responded to her partner’s concern, knowing that they were indeed almost there.


“We arrived at the hospital’s emergency pull-up bay, with me practically standing on the passenger side of the car. My legs were shaking, and I could feel the baby’s head crowning. The realization hit me: this was it, it was happening. Right here, right now, I was about to push out my baby in my car.

The midwives swiftly approached and opened the car door. They were incredibly encouraging and cheering me on, allowing me to continue doing what I was doing. With just two pushes, my baby’s head emerged. In that very moment, I felt an immense sense of relief, knowing that within a matter of minutes, I would finally be meeting my baby after 41 weeks of anticipation.”

“The next contraction came, and I pushed with every ounce of strength I had left. And there she was, my baby, so fresh and new, her face covered by the amniotic sac. The midwife swiftly removed it from her face and informed me that as she came out, she was born within her sac, which broke as her body emerged.

My partner cut the umbilical cord, and I birthed the placenta while still sitting in the car. Remarkably, the car had been running all this time. The midwives displayed incredible quick thinking and remained calm throughout, providing exactly what I needed during the wildest experience of my life.”

Afterward, I was transported to the birthing suite in a wheelchair, not long after the intense experience. I had experienced second-degree tears, but overall, I was feeling good. I was a little tired, but an overwhelming sense of empowerment washed over me for what I had just achieved.

But above all, I am incredibly grateful that it’s all over and our baby girl, Louella, has arrived safely and is healthy.