Cardi B Emerges Victorious: Cleared in $5 Million Mixtape сoⱱeг Copyright Lawsuit

In a legal victory for Grammy-winning rapper Cardi B, a federal jury in Southern California has ruled in her favor in a copyright infringement case involving the cover art for her 2016 debut mixtape, “Gangsta B*tch Music, Vol. 1.” The lawsuit, filed by Kevin Michael Brophy, alleged that Cardi B misused his back tattoos for the mixtape’s cover art, causing him distress and humiliation.


The contentious issue centered around an image on the mixtape cover showing a tattooed man from behind, with his head between the rapper’s legs inside a limousine. Although the man’s face was not visible, his back featured distinctive tattoos of a tiger and serpent, which Brophy claimed were nearly identical to his own ink. Brophy argued that the Photoshopped artwork led many to believe he was the man on the cover, resulting in anxiety and reputational harm.

During the trial, Brophy testified that he felt his likeness had been stolen and misrepresented without his consent, likening it to having his prized possession taken from him. However, Cardi B’s legal team countered by presenting evidence that there was no substantial proof linking the image to Brophy. They highlighted that Brophy had not suffered any tangible harm, such as losing his job or facing marital issues, despite his claims of reputational damage.

After careful deliberation, the jury concluded that Brophy failed to prove that Cardi B had misappropriated his likeness for the mixtape cover. The verdict was met with relief and joy from Cardi B and her legal team, who had faced uncertainty throughout the trial. The rapper expressed her gratitude to the jurors and admitted feeling nervous before hearing the verdict.

The outcome of the lawsuit marks a significant legal victory for Cardi B, who has consistently defended herself against the allegations. As she continues her career in the spotlight, this ruling reinforces her commitment to protecting her artistic freedom and creative expression.

The verdict also serves as a reminder of the complexities surrounding copyright infringement cases in the entertainment industry. While artists must respect intellectual property rights, legal disputes often require careful examination of evidence and thorough analysis of the law.

As Cardi B celebrates her legal triumph, she remains focused on her music and maintaining her position as one of hip-hop’s most influential figures.