Astronomy - Archaeology 24

Αп υпkпowп Force Αt 12 Millioп Miles Per Hoυr, is Pυlliпg the Milky Way aпd Other Galaxies Towards it.

Αt a speed of 12 millioп miles per hoυr, aп υпkпowп force is pυlliпg the Milky Way aпd other galaxies toward itself. Օпe hυпdred thoυsaпd galaxies, iпclυdiпg…

It’s Օfficial: NΑSΑ Ϲoпfirms We’ve Foυпd 5,000 Worlds Օυtside The Solar System

Iп Jaпυary 1992, two cosmic objects forever chaпged oυr galaxy. For the first time, we had coпcrete evideпce of extrasolar plaпets, or exoplaпets, orbitiпg aп alieп star:…

It is possible that twin aliens on Earth have just been found by NASA. Is this Earth 2.0?

Out of all the exoplanets found by Kepler, this distant world is most similar to Earth in size and estimated temperature and is a perfect candidate to…

BREAKING: A Star Turned Into A Black Hole Before Hubble’s Very Eyes

When a massive star consumes its fuel, its core ends starts collapsing into a thick object and drives the remaining gas outward in a beautiful event known…

The sun is to blame as the satellites are falling out of their orbits at an alarmingly high speed

It is a well-known fact that satellites in near orbit above Earth are susceptible to the residual atmosphere’s drag, which progressively slows the spacecraft and finally causes…

Dead stars in Milky Way’s companion galaxy cause mysterious gamma-ray cocoon

Mysterious ultrabright gamma-ray emissions in the giant bubbles blown out by our galaxy may finally have an explanation. Researchers used data from the Gaia and Fermi space telescopes to search through…

Giant UFO tried to stop a massive solar storm heading towards our planet

Strange things happen daily, but as weird as everything gets we never expected things to get as weird as this. A new discovery was made by NASA…

BREAKING: New Research Reveals 68 Percent of the Universe May Not Actually Exist

According to the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (Lambda-CDM) model, which is the current accepted standard for how the universe began and evolved, the ordinary matter we encounter…

NASA Chief Gives Serious Warning About Betelgeuse Star Explosion

NASA Chief Gives Serious Warning About Betelgeuse Star Explosion. One of the most eagerly anticipated astronomical events is the supernova of Betelgeuse. In the well-known “shoulder” of…

Stunning images of black holes that astronomers have just released

In 2019, a team of astronomers released the first image ever taken of a black hole. It was hailed as a major breakthrough by the scientific community. Now, the…