Wolodja the polar bear was brought to Berlin’s Tierpark Zoo to perform an extremely important task involving a certain female resident.
But the pitter-patter of tiny paws may be some way off yet as two-year-old Wolodja appears to have no interest whatsoever in intended mate Tonja, preferring to spend his days diving into his enclosure pool.
To his credit, Wolodja’s diving skills quite the sight to behold with his graceful leaps drawing gasps from the large crowds.Wolodja the polar bear was brought to Berlin’s Tierpark Zoo to perform an extremely important task involving a certain female resident.

But the pitter-patter of tiny paws may be some way off yet as two-year-old Wolodja appears to have no interest whatsoever in intended mate Tonja, preferring to spend his days diving into his enclosure pool.
To his credit, Wolodja’s diving skills quite the sight to behold with his graceful leaps drawing gasps from the large crowds.
Wolodja, who was born in a Moscow zoo, only arrived in Berlin on August. He has been spending much of his time lolling in the sun and scratching his underside on the ground.

He and Tonja still have plenty of time to get to know each other as Wolodja is not fully mature yet and the keepers say they are not seriously expecting any cubs until 2016 at the earliest.
Wolodja, who weighs 200lbs and is 1.9 metres tall, arrived at the zoo looking extremely relaxed following his 20 hour trip from Moscow during which he was flown into Franfurt and then transported by van to Berlin. He has been offered seal meat and beef but seems to prefer tucking into watermelon.

Wolodja and Tonja share the enclosure with polarbear grandmother Aika, 32, and mature male Troll, 26.

Some animal rights activists claim the enclosure is too small for four bears and fear the overcrowding will lead to behavioural problems.

Wolodja’s arrival comes two years after the ᴅᴇᴀтн of the zoo’s famous polar bear Knut, who was rejected by his mother and raised by zoo keepers.

Knut was the zoo’s star attraction but collapsed and ᴅιᴇd in front of 600 visitors at the age of four.