Disney’s Adorable New Baby Elephant Debuts at Animal Kingdom Park.NP

Disney’s Adorable New Baby Elephant Debuts at Animal Kingdom Park.NP

Corra, born in December, is the first African elephant calf born at Disney’s Animal Kingdom in seven years.<p>Olga Thompson/Disney</p> Corra the baby African elephant makes her public debut at Walt Disney World

Corra, the baby African elephant, made her public debut at Walt Disney World’s Animal Kingdom with the help of her mom, Nadirah.

Meet Corra!

On Thursday, Corra, the newest member of Walt Disney World’s Animal Kingdom, born on December 13, made her first public appearance.

As Animal Kingdom in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, opened, Corra paused for a brief photo op before entering the savanna for the first time, where visitors can see her on the Kilimanjaro Safaris ride.

Since her birth, Corra has gained nearly 100 lbs., now weighing in at 312 lbs., and is starting to grow taller alongside her parents, mom Nadirah and dad Mac, who also reside at Animal Kingdom. Corra’s herd includes her mother, her aunts Stella and Luna, and her grandmother, Donna.

Nadirah was also born at Animal Kingdom, making Corra “the first second-generation elephant in Animal Kingdom’s history,” according to a Disney blog post.

<p>Olga Thompson/Disney</p> Corra, the youngest African elephant at Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom

Corra, the youngest African elephant at Walt Disney World’s Animal Kingdom, made history in several wауѕ: she is Nadirah’s first calf and the first African elephant calf born at Disney’s Animal Kingdom in seven years

<p>Olga Thompson/Disney</p> Corra the baby African elephant with her mom Nadirah at Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom

Corra, the baby African elephant, was seen with her mother Nadirah at Walt Disney World’s Animal Kingdom. Nadirah’s pregnancy lasted 22 months, which is typical for elephants. According to a Disney blog post, Nadirah “voluntarily participated in her own care” and bonded with her baby after birth, with her sister Luna by her side.

Disney World's New Baby Elephant Makes Her Debut at Animal Kingdom Park

Disney notes that it is “common for adult females in the herd to аѕѕіѕt in raising young elephants until they are considered independent, typically around 8 years old.” Therefore, Corra will likely stay with her relatives on the savanna for several years.


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