Drake’s songs contain a staggering 2,289 curses, surpassing even the previous title holder, Eminem, in profanity count.

Drake has cursed 2,289 times in his songs, even more than former curse king Eminem

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content of the articleHe doesn’t give a f***, to use a line from Drake’s 2023 song, but does Eminem?

When it comes to using profanity in his songs, the Detroit rapper was the current champion, but Drake, a native of Toronto, has snatched the title away.

After examining 3,632 songs by Billboard’s Top 100 musicians across many genres and decades to determine who utilized the most explicit language and slang in their music, the people at language learning platform Preply had to wipe their ears with soap.

According to the analysis, the Raptors global ambassador, actual nаme Aubrey Graham, ranked first with 2,289 swear words in his songs to date.