Found A Giant Underground Kingdom In The Tibetan Plateau: The Mysterious World That Archaeologists Want To Explore

These scientific findings have excited those who have long believed that there is an underworld in Tibet, and it seems the truth will gradually emerge. If the real underworld existed, what would it be like?

A giant earthquake has been discovered under the Tibetan plateau, the scientific world has so far not had a solution. Is it Shambhala, the secret land of Tibet, inhabited by the prehistoric Gods? Did Hitler find “the axis of the Earth’s center”? (Powered by Unsolved Mysteries)

Hello friends, welcome to explore the Unsolved Mysteries with us. Today, let’s talk about the mysterious Tibetan plateau and the unknown underground world.

Referring to the Tibetan Plateau, people’s minds will pop up with simple Tibetan residents, majestic snow-capped mountains, and Mount Everest that makes countless climbing enthusiasts dream of setting foot. . In fact, all the mountains higher than 7000m in the world are located here. Therefore, the Tibetan Plateau is known as the “roof of the world”.

There has long been a legend circulating on the Tibetan plateau that underneath the Himalayas is actually an empty space. There are mysterious passages that lead to the underground world, where it is not a cave, but a completely different world, whose civilization is highly developed and at odds with human civilization on Earth. ground.

For many years, everyone treated this legend as a fiction, thinking it was just a myth left down by the ancient civilization of Tibet. But the findings of modern geological studies have surprised people: All are not myths and legends, but the truth.

The Tibetan Plateau is known as the “roof of the world”.

The underground earthquake is 15 thousand square kilometers wide

According to the current orthodox view in the scientific community, the Tibetan Plateau was formed by the collision of the Eurasian and Indian subcontinent, and these high cloud-penetrating mountains are also collisions of continental plates that are extruded. However, scientists made a surprising discovery in the process of calculating matter before and after the collision: matter is immutable (matter is not immutable).

As early as the 1970s, some scholars estimated that, since the collision between the Indian Plate and Eurasian continents, the loss of surface area due to the shortening of the resulting crust, would be at about 57 × 105 km2 to 62 × 105 km2. By common sense, this lost surface area would have increased the crust thickness of the Tibetan Plateau after being extruded. However, when comparing this data with the thickening of the Tibetan Plateau crust, they were surprised to find that about half or a third of this surface loss was not initiated at all. use, it simply disappears.

So, in 1995, a group of scholars from Canada, Ireland, China, France and other countries formed an international joint scientific subgroup, entered the Tibetan Plateau, and prepared to operate. Using electromagnetic methods to study the Earth’s crust here. However, they did not expect that this time the study had produced surprising findings.

Weird electrical signal

The science sub-unit has arranged four configurations of depth sensing by all-terrain super-drilling across the Yarlung Zangbo River in an east-west direction in the Himalayas in southern Tibet. As a result, the westernmost band has high resistivity and poor conductivity, while the eastern three bands have low resistivity and good conductivity. This line extends for more than 1,000km in the east-west direction, the more eastward it is, the lower the measured resistivity, the better the conductivity.

This strange phenomenon has aroused the interest of scientists, they discovered, the electrical conductivity in the range of the crust at a depth of 100km under the Tibetan Plateau reaches from 0.3 lakh to 20,000 Siemens, 10 to 100 times the conductivity of typical stable continental crust. It can be seen that the “underfoot” of the Tibetan Plateau is not all cold lava, but a mysterious substance with low electrical resistance, the further east, the larger the scale of this matter.

Then what is this mystical matter?

We know that under normal circumstances, rock is an insulator and barely conducts electricity. Materials with high electrical conductivity commonly found are metals, graphite, water, etc. Therefore, scientists first followed this direction to study.

However, the findings showed that there were no large-scale metal deposits under the Tibetan Plateau, so they ruled out “metals”. Could it be “graphite”? For example, could very deep lava contain carbon carriers that eventually become graphite, leading to high electrical conductivity? Studies on the distribution of graphite layers on the Tibetan Plateau deny this view. So is it “water”? Experts explain that water deep underground in general dissolves a lot of salt, not a water state commonly found on the ground, but is most likely to be fully distributed in the cracks of rocks in a solid form. enemies, but scattered, could not be concentrated in such a large area.

The above matter is not, so what will it be? Scientists suddenly thought of another possibility – magma.

It is possible that the temperature deep underground is very high, exceeding the melting point of the rock, causing the rock to melt, and the resistivity drops significantly. This molten and viscous state should exist in large areas in the crust below 100km depth. However, in a large area with a radius of 20km below the ground of the Tibetan Plateau, the resistivity is only a few ohms. But the resistivity of rock at ordinary temperature is tens of thousands of ohms. And within 20km underground, even with molten magma, it cannot exist on a large scale. If it really exists, I’m afraid the entire Tibetan Plateau might turn into a mountain of flames.

After many conjectures, tests, and vetos, the science subgroup finally came up with a more reliable hypothesis.

Vast ocean and habitable area

The geothermal resources in Tibet rank first in China, and there are many geothermal geysers near Lhasa. Tests have found that the water gushing from these geothermal vents is rich in minerals, electrolytes, and has very high electrical conductivity.

If there is a large amount of electrolyte solution underground, that means there is a huge ocean, and that ocean must be a huge underground space. This huge space possibility is not filled by sea water, but also exists an extremely large space with air.

If there is a large amount of electrolyte solution underground, that means there is a huge ocean…

Theoretically speaking, it is very possible that there is a habitable underground world. Because first of all, this underground world has water and geothermal resources that can be suitable for life to exist. The water here is not necessarily all high temperature water, far from the geothermal of underground rivers in ordinary caves, and has very long waterways (creeks). Groundwater temperature is not affected by changes in surface climate, so groundwater can be kept at a stable temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius, suitable for aquatic plants and animals. Different animals live.

So how big is this space? According to the scientific team’s measurements, under Mount Animaqing, one of the four great mountain gods of Tibetan Buddhism, there are about 100,000 to 150,000 square kilometers of empty space, equivalent to three times the size of Taiwan.

3D images revealed: empty space is bigger than the Tibetan plateau

Since then, the geological world for the Tibetan Plateau has become even more confused. As a result, research staff from China, Canada, and the United States conducted re-sensing arrangements for a large number of seismic events on the Tibetan Plateau. From 2007 to 2011, it took four years to study the data of 227 earthquakes in East Asia, collect a total of hundreds of millions of data, survey 900km underground to draw the image, finally recently identified a 3D simulation map of the Tibetan plateau.

After conducting the analysis of countless data, scientists were surprised to discover that the empty space beneath the Tibetan Plateau could be much larger than expected, even its volume could be larger than expected. larger than the entire Tibetan Plateau.

Mysterious underground world

These findings have excited those who have long believed that there is an underworld in Tibet, and it seems the truth will gradually emerge. If the real underworld existed, what would it be like?

Maybe it’s time to seriously revisit those ancient legends. But before that, we need to introduce one person.

The explorer Nicholas Roerich

Nicholas Roerich was born into a wealthy family in Russia in 1874, grew up living in Europe and America, naturalized in America. Roerich is not only talented in painting and writing, but also has a passion for archeology and exploration, he has dedicated his life to uncovering the unknown and has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times. Out of curiosity and desire to learn about Eastern mystical culture, Roerich came to the land of Shambhala, the mysterious underground kingdom of Tibet, as his lifelong dream.

In 1923, an expedition led by Roerich set out from the United States for Darjeeling, India, and finally reached Tibet in the summer of 1927. Roerich’s expedition attracted the attention of diplomatic missions and intelligence including the Soviet Union, the United States, Great Britain and Japan. However, even under those closely monitored circumstances, the expedition suddenly disappeared from August 1927 to June 1928.

By the time they reappeared in the public eye, the expedition had already lost five members. Roerich and others said they were attacked in Tibet, stopped by the authorities and detained for five months. They are forced to shelter in small areas under zero-degree weather, and live on meager food rations.

But it is calculated that, after deducting the time of detention, Roerich and his teammates remained unknown for several months. Where did they go?

It is said that when Roerich was searching for the land of Shambhala, he met a high monk on the border between India and Tibet, who told him: Long ago, all the continents were intertwined. link together. The land of Shambhala occupies the highest position in the world. They have abilities far beyond ordinary people. The Shambhala people have secret underground tunnels, which stretch in all directions in all directions, and lead to any corner of the world. If they want to go anywhere in the world, they will get there in no time.

After that, a great earthquake arose, some land in the south gradually sank into the water, some were half-submerged and half-floated. This doctrine can also be found in the ancient Chinese book “Hoai Nam Tu”, in which there is a similar record that “Dia disgruntled in the Southeast, ancient water broke out in a retreat” (rough translation: earth). in the southeast fell, the great water swept sand and dust.) As a result, the great earth began to disintegrate, split, and drift toward the surrounding oceans. Shambhala lost contact with the Gods in Heaven.

So the Shambhala, in the unsinkable land to the south, established markers to attract the attention of the Gods. They then moved underground under the snow cover, and have lived in secrecy ever since…

The Tibetan history books and the Tibetan Tradition also record this, believing that the land of Shambhala does indeed exist, as an underground paradise and a holy land of the Buddha.

Shambhala is surrounded by mountains covered with two layers of snow. This kingdom consists of eight areas shaped like lotus petals. In the center, there is also a snow mountain inside. The center of the kingdom of Shambhala is the Kabbalah palace, inhabited by King Shambhala – the real owner of the geocentric world.

Roerich then declared in his book ‘Shambhala the Resplendent’ that, in fact, during the months of the expedition’s wanderings, it was they who arrived in the fabled land of Shambhala, entering a world super-technological civilized world, and witnessed countless unimaginable spectacles. Roerich also composed a large amount of paintings to document what he saw along the way.

The land of Shambhala

In fact, besides Roerich, there was also a group of people from the West who also knew about the legendary underground kingdom in Tibet. It was the Nazis, who were very interested in mystical forces and black technology.

A legend about Atlantis has been circulated in Europe for a long time. It is believed that the continent of Atlantis is extremely rich, where the Gods with superhuman powers live. After a great earthquake, the continent of Atlantis sank, some say that the Atlanteans then moved to the depths of the ocean to live, others say that they eventually settled in Tibet, China.

The Nazis believed that these Atlanteans with the Force were the ancestors of the Aryans. So in 1938 and 1943, Nazi SS chief Himmler personally organized two expeditions deep into Tibet in search of Atlantis and a cave named “Shambhala”. This “Shambhala” sounds a lot like “Shamballa”. Legend has it that in this cave there is a “central axis of the Earth”, an aggregate of infinite energy, which can change time and history.

Has the Nazi expedition found the underworld?

According to German officials, a documentary filmed by Nazis in Tibet was first burned in the Cologne fire in the fall of 1945. The second time they visited Tibet, a large number of them. documents brought back from Lhasa were confiscated by the British. The archives on Nazi Germany’s entry into Tibet are classified as confidential, and according to German, British and American regulations, they can be declassified after 2044, or can be sealed forever in history.

Although the officials kept it a secret, the various folkloric studies and legends were abuzz. One of the accounts is that the Nazi expedition found the entrance to the country of “Shambhala” and took pictures. Even Hitler’s 25,000-strong force fled into the underworld before the end of World War II.