Heavyweight Champion: Queensland Baby Shatters Records with a Whopping 6kg Birth Weight

Newborn Maisie Lily Macdonald made a remarkable entrance into the world, Ьгeаkіпɡ a record for being the largest baby ever born at Rockhampton һoѕріtаɩ. Weighing a whopping 13 pounds 4 ounces (6.02kg), Maisie joins her family-of-four, which includes her father Mason Macdonald, mother Makaela Kirkby, and older sister Aubree Rose. Maisie arrived one week earlier than expected, and Mason proudly shared the news on Facebook, celebrating her size and weight.

Maisie Lily left, and with big sister Aubree Rose, right. Pictures: Supplied

Maisie’s older sister, Aubree Rose, who is nearly 17 months old, had already prepared Makaela for the experience of having a big baby, as Aubree herself was born weighing 11.5 pounds. One person commented on Maisie’s arrival, sharing that their own son, born prematurely at 32 weeks, now 15 months old, weighed the same as Maisie at birth.

Maisie Lily was born on Monday in Rockhampton.

While the average baby typically weighs between 3-4kg, it seems that Rockhampton has a knack for producing large newborns. In February 2013, Oliver “Ollie” Stokes made headlines across Australia when he was born weighing 6.76kg (14.14lbs), becoming Queensland’s largest baby. By his first birthday, Ollie had grown to 13.3kg, just three kilos lighter than his three-and-a-half-year-old brother Luke. Another contender for the record was Ipswich newborn Jake McGuire, who feɩɩ short by 0.72kg, weighing 6.04kg when he was born in May 2015.

Oliver Stokes was born at 6.76kg in 2013, becoming Queensland’s biggest baby. Picture: Sharyn O'Neill / The Morning Bulletin

Here is a list of Queensland’s big babies:

– Oliver “Ollie” Stokes: Born 6.76kg in February 2013 at the Rockhampton Mater һoѕріtаɩ.
– Jake McGuire: Born 6.04kg in May 2015 in Ipswich.
– Maisie Lily Macdonald: Born 6.02kg on September 4, 2017, at Rockhampton һoѕріtаɩ.

It’s clear that these babies are making quite an impression with their remarkable size at birth.

Nicole and David McGuire with baby Jake in 2015. Picture: Rob Williams / The Queensland Times