Hyenas are known for consuming their ргeу while it is still alive. In the case of a buffalo that had just eѕсарed from a group of lions and was on the ⱱeгɡe of exһаᴜѕtіoп, a lone hyena targeted an ᴜпᴜѕᴜаɩ and sensitive area – the buffalo’s testicles. The question arises: could this peculiar аttасk ѕtгаteɡу аѕѕіѕt a lone hyena in bringing dowп a large buffalo.

Following a grueling battle against lions, Mother Nature had further plans in store for this resilient buffalo!

Recounting the tale, Sian Green, a freelance guide, shared, “This seasoned buffalo bull, often referred to as a ‘dagga boy,’ was drained after an extensive tussle with a pride of lions.

Thankfully, the buffalo emerged victorious and survived the assault. He believed the ordeal was finally over for the night. Little did he know…”

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When buffaloes are under attack by predators, they make a call, so as to attract back-up from a nearby herd. But, dagga boys are solitary, mostly, so the calls usually end up alerting other predators of the attack.

“A courageous hyena, drawn by the commotion, cautiously approached the fatigued buffalo bull (Dagga boy). Despite the buffalo’s belief that it had triumphed over a pride of lions, Mother Nature had further plans in store for him.”

“The hyena could probably see that the buffalo was still in shock, and so while the buffalo was so exhausted, the hyena sneaks from behind sees an opening, and grabs onto the buffalo’s balls!”

“The buffalo, clearly in a state of shock and agony, swiftly reacts to break free from the hyena’s grasp.

Drawing from its previous experience battling the lions, the buffalo successfully fends off the hyena.

Eventually parting ways, little did they know it was the final sighting of the buffalo as nature unfolded its course.”