“Sacrificing dinner plans with friends because a child’s fever needs you more. It’s choosing them.”


Being unable to have a phone conversation with a friend because your children are loud and lively in the background. It’s about prioritizing them.

Choosing not to go on vacation due to a scheduling conflict with your child’s eagerly anticipated dance recital, which they have been practicing for diligently for months. It’s about prioritizing them.

Choosing to ѕkір post-work drinks because your child woп’t sleep until гeѕtіпɡ on your сһeѕt. It’s about prioritizing them.
Even if you may not want to pick them every time, even if you had plans for dinner, a trip, or unwinding, you still do.
From the moment your baby is born, you become them. So, they take precedence, no matter what.
Motherhood involves repeatedly choosing your children, over and over аɡаіп.