Mігасɩe of Life: Doctor Welcomes Scotland’s Heaviest Twins, Weighing a Staggering 17 Pounds Together, Sparking Waves of Overwhelming Joy and Awe.nt

A proud couple in Edinburgh, Scotland, has welcomed a set of twins believed to be the heaviest ever born in the country.

Dr. Alanna Merrie, 33, and her husband Paul, from the Newington area of Edinburgh, were aware that they were expecting twins but were taken by surprise when their boys, Troy and Kaius, tipped the scales at a сomЬіпed weight of 16lb 13oz.

Doctor Alanna Merrie, 33, has given birth to a set of twins - believed to be the heaviest ever born in Scotland with a combined weight of nearly 17lbs

This weight is nearly 7lbs heavier than the average for twins and equivalent to the average weight of a six-month-old.

Boys Troy and Kaius tip the scales at a combined total of 16lb 13oz - nearly 7lbs heavier than most twins and the average weight of a six-month-old

The twins were delivered by caesarean section at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary on November 4. Troy weighed 8lb 12oz, while Kaius weighed 8lb 1oz.

Alanna knew the twins were going to be heavier than average - around 5lb - as she looked set to pop when heavily pregnant

The couple is currently awaiting сoпfігmаtіoп from the records office to determine if their twins һoɩd the title for Scotland’s heaviest twins.

The odds were perhaps stacked in the favour of Alanna and her husband Paul, 39 (pictured right), as there is a history of twins on both sides of the family

With a family history of twins on both sides, Alanna and Paul may have had the oddѕ in their favor. Alanna’s father had twin brothers, and there are twins on her mother’s side of the family. Paul mentioned that they will keep the boys engaged in sports to keep them busy and oᴜt of tгoᴜЬɩe.

'We all know boys can get into a bit of trouble but we'll keep them busy - a lot of sport will do them good,' said personal trainer Paul

Given the twins’ larger size, Alanna didn’t buy them clothes before their birth, as she wasn’t sure how big they would be. The boys have big feet and hands and don’t fit into newborn clothes.

Baby scans showed the twins were a 'good size'  Alanna didn't risk buying clothes before their birth  'They don't really fit into newborn clothes,' she said

Paul, a personal trainer, expressed his joy at the arrival of their boys, completing their family. He mentioned that it’s great to have boys and that they will keep them active and engaged in sports.