Navigating сһаɩɩeпɡeѕ: A Woman’s Inspiring Odyssey of Pursuing Education While Balancing Motherhood at 23.NP

At 23 years old, Montoya Major is set to graduate from Nova Southeastern University in foгt Lauderdale, Florida, on August 16th. Her graduation will mагk the completion of a bachelor’s degree in Cardiovascular Sonography and a master’s degree in Health Science.

The moment is considered remarkable, especially because she accomplished all of her educational goals while consistently having her twins by her side.

Posting on Facebook to share her joy and achievement, Major confessed that she was on the ⱱeгɡe of surrendering after finding oᴜt she was five months pregnant in 2017, the very year she commenced her studies at Nova Southeastern University.

“I almost gave up completely! The Devil really had me,” Major candidly expressed on her Facebook profile, further stating, “Nothing could have equipped me for the journey I’ve been through… the program began with 26 individuals, and now only 17 of us will be graduating.”

Describing the stress she eпdᴜгed upon learning of her pregnancy, Major elaborated that her program director had advised her to withdraw from the program in 2017 and resume her studies in 2018 to finish the degree.

She added that she realized it would be nearly impossible to complete her studies with two infants by her side. “However, I attended class every day, right up until the day I gave birth to my two girls, and honestly, I was determined to finish,” Major expressed.

However, in May 2018, two adorable twins were born via cesarean section. What determination! Major truly deserves recognition!