Small Hero, Big Heart: The Inspiring Sacrifice of a 10-Year-Old Dog to Save His Human

In late May, a courageous Yorkshire Terrier named Spike, aged 10, valiantly gave up his own life to protect his cherished human companion. In their garden in South Africa, a lethal cobra emerged, and without a moment’s hesitation, Spike risked his life to shield his beloved person from harm. Tragically, this act of heroism came at a cost, as Spike’s life was tragically claimed by the danger he confronted, a mere half-hour later.

Louise Grobler, his human, was on the phone when the snake made its way onto her property. Engrossed in her conversation, the dog-lover did not notice the reptile that was slowly approaching her. Luckily, Spike, without a moment’s hesitation, jumped in and bit the snake, managing to kill it.

During the course of his heroic intervention, the canine was struck by one of the cobra’s lethal fangs, leading to a devastating outcome. Regrettably, despite all efforts, there was no way to rescue him. Louise painfully recounted the heart-wrenching incident:

Spike was a hero, by attacking the poisonous snake he saved my life. I was so close to the snake, I think if Spike didn’t jump up and grab it by its neck, it could have bitten me as well. As soon as I realised what was happening, I ran next door to get my neighbour for help, but when I got back Spike had already killed the cobra.

In a cruel twist of fate, the family faced another tragedy shortly after Spike’s demise. Their second family dog, Prinses, also fell prey to a snake bite and tragically lost her life. The small dog had been welcomed into the family a few months prior after apparently being abandoned by her previous owners. Louise elaborates:

She was only supposed to stay in the family for two weeks, but we loved her too much to let her go.She ended up having four puppies, but we gave these away to a dog sanctuary. My family and I buried the dogs in separate graves, but next to each other, in our front garden the day after they died. When we buried them Mariska (her daughter) cried so much that I cried with her.

Spike and Prinses will forever hold a special place in the hearts of their devoted family, and the courageous act of the brave little dog will remain etched in Louise’s memory for the entirety of her life.