Species with ‘Sensitive’ Appearances, Especially the Second Species Always in High Demand, Known for Enhancing Kidney Health and Vitality

  1. Priapulida Priapulida is the collective name for a group of marine worm species. The name Priapulida is derived from the Greek word “Priapus,” the name of the god of fertility and sexuality. These marine worms are named after the god of fertility due to their external appearance, which resembles the male genitalia. These worms primarily inhabit sedimentary areas and have streamlined bodies for convenient burrowing.

  1. Geoducks Also known as the “elephant trunk clam,” Geoducks are highly prized seafood with significant nutritional and economic value, sought after by many. They are believed to have the ability to enhance kidney health, boost vitality, and prolong lifespan in men. Looking at their “majestic” shape, it can certainly make many individuals feel bashful.

  1. Thermarces cerberus Thermarces cerberus is a species of eel-like fish that thrives in deep-sea environments near hydrothermal vents (cracks in the seafloor releasing hot water). It has a pale color, similar to other creatures living in the deep sea. What makes this fish remarkable is its extremely “sensitive” head and shape, intriguing and captivating many people’s curiosity.

  1. Urechis unicinctus This fish is also known as the “Penis fish” or “Fat innkeeper worm.” In reality, they are not fish but a type of worm that lives in sandy layers beneath the seabed. Penis fish are mainly distributed in coastal areas of China, Korea, and Japan. In some countries, this animal is consumed raw with flavorful sauces. However, with its “unrefined” shape, it’s unlikely that many people would dare to put them in their mouths.

  1. Trypauchen vagina Also known as the “Vagina fish” or “Long dildo fish,” Trypauchen vagina is a goby fish found commonly in the Pacific or Indian Ocean. They have a slender elongated shape and a slightly reddish-pink color. They usually dig burrows and live in sandy marine environments. With its peculiar name, the Vagina fish surely arouses curiosity as many people would want to know how they actually look like.
  2. Verpa penis Another marine creature with a shape resembling a male “private part” mentioned in this article is Verpa penis. These white-colored marine worms have elongated bodies, and their lower side has a brownish-black shell where they develop. These marine worms are quite shy, often hiding deep under layers of sand and rarely exposing themselves. But due to their peculiar shape, many people seek to capture and explore them.
  3. Sipunculus nudus Also known as “peanut worm,” “ginseng of the sea,” or “marine worm,” Sipunculus nudus is a famous delicacy from the Quang Ninh region, traditionally harvested for royal feasts. Later on, it became popular among the upper class and those who could afford it for its believed benefits in kidney health, vitality, and overall stamina. Due to its high demand, Sipunculus nudus comes with a hefty price tag, reaching over 4 million VND per kilogram for dried specimens and around 1 million VND per kilogram for fresh ones.

Although they have a dark brown exterior, they turn white when processed and can be cooked in various ways, such as grilling, dipping in chili salt, stir-frying, or adding to soups. They offer a delicious and enticing taste. Despite their somewhat “sensitive” appearance, once consumed, they leave a lasting impression.