Terrifying! Python Hangs Itself and Devours a Large Parrot Right on the Rooftop

Python Swallows a Large Parrot Whole on the Rooftop, Causing Fright and Astonishment

trăn đu mình nuốt chửng vẹt lớn , trăn khổng lồ, kỳ lạ

In a remarkable incident that occurred in Agnes Waters, Queensland, a woman was taken aback when she discovered a python coiled around a large parrot, swallowing it right on the gutter of her house. The python clamped onto the parrot’s head and slowly began to devour its prey.

trăn đu mình nuốt chửng vẹt lớn , trăn khổng lồ, kỳ lạ

The image of the python devouring the large parrot on the rooftop is truly astounding. The giant python, known for its incredible size, is a fascinating and uncommon sight.

trăn đu mình nuốt chửng vẹt lớn , trăn khổng lồ, kỳ lạ

The python suspended itself in mid-air, gradually consuming its meal. After witnessing the python swallowing the large parrot on her rooftop, the woman captured photos and promptly alerted local snake experts.

trăn đu mình nuốt chửng vẹt lớn , trăn khổng lồ, kỳ lạ


McKenzie, a snake expert, estimated that the python measured around 1.5-2 meters long. It belongs to the carpet python species, which can grow up to approximately 3 meters in length. These pythons typically prey on small mammals and birds for sustenance.