The 2,000-Year-Old Beauty Mummy Has “Green Hair, Blood Is Still Flowing”: Howling When Opening The Coffin Lid

51 years ago, a very special 2,000-year-old mummy was accidentally discovered in Hunan, China. The mummy was so intact that there was still blood in her veins.

In 1971, construction workers in Hunan, China stumbled upon a tomb containing the bodies of a couple and their son. In particular, the beauty mummy is the most noticed by experts.

The researchers identified the woman’s identity as Lady Tan Truyen, also known as Lady Dai. She was the wife of a Han Dynasty marquis who ruled this land about 2,200 years ago.

Inside the tomb containing the mummy of Tan Truyen Lady and her husband and children contains more than 1,000 precious artifacts including: gold and silver statues, a collection of silk dresses, cosmetics, musical instruments, lacquerware…

The above valuable burial artifacts show that Lady Tan Truyen had a rich and rich life while she was still alive. Therefore, after her death, she was buried with many valuables so that she could continue her rich life in the afterlife.

When examining Madam Tan Truyen’s mummy, experts discovered some big secrets. The first is this lady’s body wrapped in 18 layers of silk and linen. The mummy was placed in four interlocking coffins in descending order of size.

To prevent air and water from entering, the tomb was sealed with coal and the top sealed with clay. In addition, inside the coffin there were traces of mercury and an unidentified slightly acidic liquid around the mummy of Tan Truyen Madam.

Although she passed away more than 2,000 years ago, the mummy of Tan Truyen Madam is still quite intact and looks like she died not long ago.

Madam Tan Truyen’s skin is still soft and smooth, with no signs of muscle spasm. Her arms and legs can still be flexed and extended. In particular, the blood still in her veins helped experts determine that she had blood type A. In addition, her internal organs showed no signs of decomposition.

Thanks to the intact body, experts were able to learn about the eating habits of Lady Tan Truyen while she was still alive. During her lifetime, she ate a lot of venison, sheep… and fruit.


It was this eating habit that made Lady Tan Trai become obese and had to walk using a cane in the last years of her life. In addition, due to being sedentary every day, she suffered from arteriosclerosis, diabetes and a number of other diseases related to the spine. In the stomach of Lady Tan Truyen, melon seeds remained. This shows that she ate melon about 2 hours before her death.