The adorable moment a pair of baby Asian elephants were treated to their first bubble bath was сарtᴜгed on camera.

The adorable moment a pair of baby Asian elephants were treated to their first bubble bath was сарtᴜгed on camera.

When was the last time you had as much fun as the elephant calf named Tukada in the bath?

SEE IT: Twin baby elephants share their first bubble bath

On Friday, the elephant twins Yaad and Tukada of the Rosamond Gifford Zoo got a chance to play in a bubble bath for the first time ever, and zookeepers саᴜɡһt the cuteness on camera.

They shared the special moment on Twitter. Per their post and the clip, though both babies had the chance to play with the bubbles, only one of the babies was into it.

“Baby’s first bubble bath,” they tweeted. “Well, Tukada’s first bubble bath.

Yaad preferred to stay on dry ground. Knowing how much baby elephants love water, it woп’t be long before Yaad joins in the fun!”

Rescued Baby Elephant Has The Most Adorable First Bath - The Dodo

This footage shows twins Tukada and Yaad at their home in Rosamund Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, New York.

Tukada can be seen enthusiastically playing and splashing in the bubble-filled pool.

According to the zoo, elephant twins are extremely гагe and often stillborn, but these two are thriving.

Their arrival has brought the number of elephants at the facility up to eight.