The baby’s birthmark, which results in her hair turning white, has sparked curiosity due to its unusual nature. Remarkably, this trait has been inherited by four generations within her family, making it a source of fascination and interest.

The 18-month-old baby’s mum says she hopes her daughter will embrace the trait when she gets older

Brianna and MilliAnna with matching hair

A young girl has inherited a unique birthmark, marking the fourth generation in her family to possess this distinctive trait. Brianna Worthy, aged 23, and her 18-month-old daughter, MilliAnna, share a prominent white streak of hair as a birthmark.

This remarkable characteristic has been transmitted through Brianna’s maternal lineage and can be traced back to MilliAnna’s great-grandmother, Jaonne, aged 59. Referred to as “poliosis,” this distinctive feature manifests as a patch of hair devoid of pigment, resulting in a bleached appearance, accompanied by areas of skin around it that also lack pigmentation. The continuation of this remarkable genetic trait across multiple generations underscores the fascinating ways in which genetics can shape family traits and appearances.

18-month-old MilliAnna has inherited the white streak of hair from her mum

Baby MilliAnna carries on a unique family tradition as the fourth generation to bear the distinctive birthmark. This notable feature is also present on her grandmother, Jennifer, aged 41, and her great-grandmother, Jaonne, aged 59.

Endearing images of the little one alongside her mother and grandmother reflect an uncanny resemblance to the iconic character Cruella de Vil.

Brianna, hailing from Ridgeland, South Carolina, USA, shared, “We are unsure how far back the birthmark goes as my grandmother was adopted as a child and hasn’t met her biological family.”

This extraordinary generational connection through a shared distinctive mark exemplifies the intriguing interplay of genetics and familial traits.

MilliAnna when she was first born


Grandmother Jennifer, Brianna’s younger sister Leigha, Great-grandmother Jaonne, Brianna and MilliAnna

“I was hoping she did have it. My younger sister that my mother had a few years after me didn’t get it, so I didn’t know if MilliAnna was going to but once I had her and they laid her on my chest and I saw she had it I was so happy.”

Brianna, MilliAnna, and grandma Jennifer, all sharing the white streak birthmark, create a remarkable visual connection.

While the family’s distinctive feature is attention-grabbing, Brianna acknowledged that it can sometimes lead to unexpected interruptions in their daily activities. She shared, “We definitely get stopped a lot while out and about our daily routines.”

Her mum Brianna also has the birthmark

Her mum hopes she will grow to love the unusual trait

Brianna shared that she often appreciates the courteous remarks and is open to answering the numerous inquiries about their unique birthmark. However, she also admitted that the attention can become a bit overwhelming, particularly when she’s in a hurry and trying to manage her daily tasks.

Looking ahead, Brianna has a hopeful perspective for her daughter’s future. She aspires for MilliAnna to embrace her individuality as she grows older, celebrating the distinctiveness that runs through generations of their family.

Brianna with her mum Jennifer