The Bee Man: Living in Harmony with Thousands of Bees Sharing his Body

We have all heard of bees and their interactions with people. We know they create honey and pollinate various plants, assisting in the production of many of the foods we consume every day.

But, not everyone has the ability to command and control bees to the point where they are exceedingly friendly with people and obey all human directions.

But, “the man with thousands of bees covering his body” is an outlier. He refers to himself as the “King of Bees” and has been in сһагɡe of bees for over 30 years.

He can talk with bees and control them to the extent where he can move his entire body without getting stung.

After he discovers the queen bee, he has complete аᴜtһoгіtу over the entire swarm of bees. These bees will mount his body and obey his directives as if they were orders from the queen bee.

He is not only a practitioner of this, but also a beekeeper who sells ei honey for a living. His command of the bee swarm earned him the moniker “The Man with a Thousand Bees On His Body.”

With the curiosity of the community, he has inspired many others, particularly those in his neighborhood.

These folks have learnt how to interact with and govern bee colonies, and they hope to one day take part in a bee рагаde.
