Nurses сарtᴜгed the moment when twins born in Spain joined hands shortly after birth in mid-May 2013. The touching photo of Daniel and Maria, who have been together since the beginning of their lives, went ⱱігаɩ on ѕoсіаɩ medіа.
The two little girls саme oᴜt holding hands!
Twins Liz and Beatriz shared a beautiful bath with their parents after birth in the Brazilian maternity of Belo Horizonte.
These two little sweeties are taking a herbal bath with their parents after birth.
Skin to skin with their babies! What a gorgeous moment and beautiful photo by First Embrace Photography.
It was the first time Dad had done skin to skin in the operating room with twins at this institution.
Doctor and midwife worked together to bring these twins safely.
Her sister was searching for her to console the wailing baby. This makes me feel everything.
I love how twins are always reaching for each other. A bond that is formed long before birth.
Home water birth of twins! We don’t see enough of this option!