The video shows a three-legged elephant that was first seen a year and a half ago, amazingly still surviving in the African wild and doing fine. During a safari in the month of April 2021, we came across the unusual site of an adult elephant walking on only three legs.
Not only were we stunned to see that the elephant managed to be mobile on three legs, but also by the fact that the elephant managed to survive for that long out in the African wild. One major factor I could tie to his success of survival is that this male elephant on three legs was part of a massive herd even though he straggle behind most of the time.
During early November 2022, I was leading a safari in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. The Park boasts a healthy population of over thirty thousand elephants, and you get to see many big herds and individuals during a safari. During this specific safari we came across several big herds of elephants. Watching these incredibly intelligent giants going about their business is always a great experience.
We decided to stop at a watering hole to observe another large herd of elephants busy drinking during the heat of the day. Suddenly I saw one elephant walking funny in the distance and I couldn’t believe my eyes.
There he was! The same three-legged elephant without his tail, still with his protective herd. In a nineteen thousand square kilometre wilderness area, among thirty thousand plus elephants, there was the same elephant from one and half years ago.
What are the chances. I told my group of tourists the story and everyone was happy to know that the elephant was still doing great and carrying on with life in his herd as normal. The elephant is suspected to have lost his leg in a snare many years ago.