In 2007, Murat Yalcin, a night watchman in Kumburgaz, Turkey, captured some of the best footage of a UFO ever filmed. The tape even shows the pilot of the unknown craft.

Investigators support this incident as real, however and logically there are also people who claim that it is a case that cannot be proven.
Documentation became known in the following years, when the UFO appeared over the Sea of Marmara, near Kumburgaz.
The videos were never successfully debunked.
The UFO incident in Turkey occurred between 2007 and 2009During that time, reports of unknown aerial objects were reported across Turkey, while a series of videos were taken by a local resident named Murat Yalcin.
The sightings were seen by many people living in the city on different days and nights.
They filed reports with the SIRIUS UFO Research organization, which is the main UFO organization in Turkey.
The images show various objects, including light formations, round, disk-shaped and cigar-shaped objects maneuvering and floating above the sea.

The video was recorded with a camera that had a teleconverter adapter capable of filming the optics at 200 times, achieving a great amount of detail.
The Turkish Council of Science and Technology and the TUG National Observatory reviewed the images in an attempt to prove a hoax, but were unsuccessful. The film was studied by specialists from Japan, Chile, Brazil and Russia.
After several attempts, no one has successfully debunked the videos. So far, they remain unidentified.
The sightings in Turkey are considered by many UFO fans to be the most authentic alien sighting that has occurred in human history.
Collectively called the Kumburgaz UFO incident, the mysteries surrounding these sightings still remain unanswered.
Here is the complete recording: