Unbelievable Tale of a Six-Legged, Half-Male, Half-Female Calf

In recent times, thousands of people have flocked to the farm of Mr. Mang Sen (62 years old) in Suoi Rua village, Cam Thinh Tay, Cam Ranh City, Khanh Hoa province, to witness firsthand the extraordinary sight of a calf with six legs and two sets of reproductive organs.

The tales of this strange calf began to circulate, woven with myths and rumors. Suddenly, this calf gained fame along with the troubles faced by its owner.

Rushing to see the unusual calf

Suoi Rua village is located amidst the lush hills in the southwestern part of Khanh Hoa province. The majority of residents here are the Raglai ethnic group, living in difficult and impoverished conditions. Due to its remote location and limited accessibility, few outsiders visit the village. However, in recent days, hordes of people have flocked here with one purpose: to catch a glimpse of the hermaphroditic calf with six legs.

Mr. Sen’s house is located at the far end of Suoi Rua village, along a rugged and rocky path. To see his calf, visitors have to wade through the stream and climb up the hill to the area where the family raises cattle. Reluctantly, the host has had to set aside his farming duties to attend to the curiosity of unfamiliar faces.

The first striking feature of this bizarre calf is that, in addition to its four main legs for walking, it possesses two additional underdeveloped legs in the middle of its hind thighs. These extra legs have the same size as normal legs but remain straight and unable to fully extend.

An unusual appearance of the calf

Another distinctive feature that adds to the “notoriety” of this calf is the impossibility of determining its gender by examining its reproductive organs. Mr. Sen explains that based on the calf’s urination behavior, it is likely female. However, in addition to that, the calf also has two small testicles situated inside its tail.

“At first, my wife and I thought the calf was female because it urinated like its mother. But when our children examined the extra legs, they discovered the presence of large masses resembling testicles, indicating that the calf is male. We don’t know what exactly it is, but regardless of its gender, what matters most to us is that it is healthy and thriving,” shared Mr. Sen.

According to the owner and those who have observed the calf up close, the calf’s fur color closely resembles that of its mother. Its fur is a lustrous golden hue, gradually fading to white from the belly down to its four legs. While frolicking and playing with its mother, the calf appears frightened by the presence of unfamiliar onlookers.

Having more legs than its mother sometimes causes inconvenience for the calf. When feeling uncomfortable but unable to scratch itself, the calf turns around and rubs its extra legs against its mother’s body. Perhaps if it didn’t have the extra legs and testicles, this calf would appear as a normal female calf among its kind.

The calf continues to grow normally

Is there a father for the calf?

Lạ lùng bê con có 7 chân, 2 bộ phận sinh dục - Báo Người lao động

Regarding the calf’s birth story, Mr. Mang Sen revealed that over half a month ago, when he returned from tending the cattle in the field, he noticed an abnormal bulging in the mother cow’s belly. Since he had kept the cow alone in the field and there was no male cow around, pregnancy seemed impossible. However, upon closer observation, it was indeed evident that the cow was pregnant and about to give birth.