What happens when the swamp monster encounters a school of killer fish?


Crocodiles are terrifying reptiles known as the “monsters” of waterways. According to statistics from wildlife ecologist James Perran Ross at the University of Florida, approximately 1,000 people are killed by crocodile attacks each year, while only 10 people are attacked by sharks.

Crocodiles are considered top predators in their habitat. With a bite force of up to 210 kg/cm2, it is nearly impossible for any creature to escape their deadly jaws.

This is what would happen if you release a crocodile into a pond full of piranhas. Crocodiles are seen as formidable creatures in their environment. (Image: Pinterest)

Piranhas, with their triangular and razor-sharp teeth, are also top underwater predators. In addition to their teeth, piranhas have highly sensitive hearing and swim at incredible speeds. Both species are known as freshwater predators. So, what would happen if a crocodile were to fall into a pond full of piranhas?

What would be the outcome of the battle between these two “ferocious” fish species?

Although there have been no actual experiments conducted on the fight between crocodiles and piranhas, the question still captures the interest of many. Can a crocodile overcome the aggression and numbers of the piranhas, or would it accept defeat?

If a crocodile were to fall into a pond full of piranhas, what would happen? (Image: Pinterest)

A group of experts conducted an experiment with 15 piranhas measuring 20-37cm in length. The results showed that despite their small size, piranhas had powerful jaw muscles. They could deliver bites with a force over 30 times their body weight. This study was published in the scientific journal Scientific Reports.

Specifically, the bite force of piranhas was measured at around 320 newtons (1 newton is the force exerted by the weight of a 102g object on Earth). This bite force is approximately three times stronger than that of American crocodiles. Further research by experts discovered that piranhas possessed such strong biting power because their jaw muscles accounted for 2% of their total body weight.

What about crocodiles? We all know that their skin is highly unique. The dorsal scales on their skin are extremely tough due to their composition of horn-like material. Therefore, the skin can withstand bites from piranhas.

Đây là những điều sẽ xảy ra nếu bạn thả một con cá sấu vào hồ đầy cá piranha

Crocodile skin is thick and durable, making it one of the strongest in the animal kingdom. In many cultures, crocodile skin is a symbol of high social status. However, only the skin on the belly of a crocodile possesses these unique characteristics, as it contains bone and can withstand bullets, stabs, and gunshots.

If a crocodile were to fall into a pond full of piranhas, what would happen? (Image: Pinterest)

Đây là những điều sẽ xảy ra nếu bạn thả một con cá sấu vào hồ đầy cá piranha

An incident of a crocodile attacking a veterinarian occurred in a zoo in Taiwan, China. While examining a crocodile, the veterinarian was attacked by it. When a security guard discovered the incident, he aimed a gun at the crocodile’s head and fired. The crocodile immediately fled into the water.

Đây là những điều sẽ xảy ra nếu bạn thả một con cá sấu vào hồ đầy cá piranha

Upon examining the crocodile’s wounds, it was found that the bullet hit the crocodile but did not harm it. The crocodile fled due to the sound of the gunshot rather than the bullet’s impact.

From this, we can see that no matter how strong the bite force of piranhas may be, it cannot match the force of a bullet. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that piranhas can penetrate the skin on the crocodile’s back. Piranhas might mistake the crocodile for a piece of wood and simply leave. If they were clever enough to attack the crocodile’s belly, the crocodile might be injured.

If a crocodile were to fall into a pond full of piranhas, what would happen? (Image: Pinterest)

Đây là những điều sẽ xảy ra nếu bạn thả một con cá sấu vào hồ đầy cá piranha

Furthermore, it is a fact that piranhas, despite being called “freshwater monsters,” are not as aggressive as one might think. On the contrary, they are quite timid. They pose a threat only to smaller or slightly larger-sized species. In fact, piranhas often avoid humans and larger animals.

Đây là những điều sẽ xảy ra nếu bạn thả một con cá sấu vào hồ đầy cá piranha

To demonstrate this, Dr. Axelrod, a fish expert, conducted an experiment. He dived into a pond filled with piranhas without any protective gear. He hung a piece of meat on a fishing rod and lowered it into the water. The results showed that the piranhas did not attack him but only tore at the meat. This demonstrated that piranhas see larger animals as a threat.

Even though piranhas have sharp teeth and fast swimming abilities, they tend to be shy and afraid of larger creatures. (Image: Pinterest)

Additionally, the diet of piranhas typically consists of decaying carcasses, small fish, and vegetation. They are classified as omnivorous species. Piranhas often feed on decaying flesh and rarely engage in hunting. They tend to attack dead bodies rather than living prey.

Therefore, if a healthy crocodile were released into a pond full of piranhas, the chances of a battle occurring would be almost zero. Through this, we can understand that piranhas are not as ferocious as their appearance suggests.