Wildlife’s Daring Dash: Zebra Eludes Lioness with a Spectacular Buck as the Dramatic Chase Unfolds Along a Kenyan River

This is the dramatic moment a zebra escaped the clutches of a lion after being ambushed by the big cat when it crossed a river in Kenya.

Footage shows the predator leap at the zebra and briefly gain a grip before its prey kicks up its hind legs and gallops out of harm’s way.

he video starts with the lion prowling near the river before the zebra walks through the water towards it, blissfully unaware of the impending danger.

However, as the zebra approaches the bank the lioness, leaps from its hiding place behind a grassy mound.

The startled zebra spins around, kicks its back legs in the air and turns towards the water.

The lioness briefly gets a grip on her prey but the determined zebra bucks and shakes it off.

The zebra makes its escape and the thwarted big cat does not give chase.

Watching the exchange, Graham said: ‘We had seen many lions that day and we were a little disappointed that there would be no leopard close by.

‘We then realised why she was waiting hidden by the riverbank – two of the herd had still to cross the river and were clearly very nervous given her previous attack attempts.

‘Finally, one of the zebras made its move and the lioness pounced.

‘The zebra reacted by kicking out and very nearly did some serious damage to the lioness.

‘Both were lucky to survive the encounter.’