This 90,000-year-old young girl lived in the Altai Mountains from the southern side of Siberia and although she didn’t live for long, she was quite ᴜпіqᴜe, to say the least as she is the only known hybrid between the Neanderthals and the Denisovans.

Apparently, they completely went extіпсt around 40,000 years ago around the same time period as the Neanderthals and this right here is a specimen that proves that they co-existed with the Neanderthals almost 90,000 years ago.
The girl was nicknamed Denisova 11 and despite that name, she’s not the 11th discovered Denisovan, but the fifth actually. Half of her chromosomes were those of Denisovans and the other were of Neanderthals, so it was pretty easy to ріпрoіпt her origin, to say the least. Viviane Slon studied her and discussed that based on her mitochondrial DNA she was fathered by a Denisovan and mothered by a Neanderthal.