Author: J.R
Amаzіпɡ : 1,600 toпs of gold sυпk at the Ьottom of Lake Baikal, fυll of mуѕteгіeѕ, пo oпe dared to pick it υp
Α hυge treasυre coпsistiпg of 1,600 toпs of gold is said to have remaiпed dormaпt for hυпdreds of years at the bottom of Lake Baikal like a great mystery. Αlthoυgh maпy people covet, пo oпe has dared to fiпd the aпswer to this mystery worth a fortυпe. The Gυiппess Book of Records has recogпized Lake…
A cigar-shaped UFO with flashing lights was seen over Paris.
Accordiпg to the large пυmber of sightiпgs, there are UFOs of all sizes aпd sizes. Althoυgh the most popυlar are those that are flyiпg saυcer, possibly those that are iп the form of “cigar” are the caυse more coпtroversy. Aпd is that some υfologists sυggest that the UFOs iп the form of a cigar caυsed…
The mystery buried more than 6500 years ago about the “golden objects of mankind” in the Varna Necropolis
Dating back to 4,560-4,450 BC,, on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, the made of fashionable gold Varna Necropolis were found by scientists. Internationally considered to be one of the key prehistoric archaeological sites in the world, the Varna Necropolis (also known as the Varna Cemetery) is a large burial site in the western industrial…
A mysterious city floating in the sky of China makes people stunned
residents were stunned by the sight of a strange phenomenon in the sky in Haikou, capital of South China’s Hainan. The footage which was recorded by a local resident appears to show a mysterious city floating in the sky. Although some people have the raised the fear that this mysterious phenomenon was possible the result…
200,000 years old citadel in Africa- Anunnaki architecture before the flood disaster
Millions of people on Earth think that the ancient gods Anunnaki descended upon our planet from heaven hundreds of millennia ago. It might be correct that their trace of presence was left behind humans. To date, the biggest cluster of prehistoric remnants consisting of the earliest functioning megalithic Sun Calendar (Adam’s Calendar) is discovered in…
Stunning! A Huge Flying Object of Unknown Origin Has Reportedly Landed in Saudi Arabia
Just a few minutes after it was uploaded to YouTube, a film that was quite intriguing to watch quickly spread like wildfire over the whole planet. The study of ufology has been flooded with new perspectives ever since the release of this film. It is a mysterious recording of what is believed to be an…
Two long metallic objects are seen on Mars sticking out of a huge rock – What we see are two metal arms sticking out of an actual alien under that rock
Hey check this out. Two long metallic objects are seen on Mars sticking out off a huge rock. NASA tries to say these are metallic minerals that are visible due to the rock around them wearing away from windblown sand. However that is not the case here. What we see are two metal arms sticking…
Excavate The Tomb Of The Aztec King, Encounter A Warrior Beast That Wears A Treasure To Protect Its Master
Located in the ancient capital of the Tenochtitlan civilization, now Mexico City – the capital of Mexico – the Templo Mayor ruins are the main temple of the Aztecs who have gone down in legend as the empire of warriors. One of the warrior beasts, is actually a sacrificial wolf dressed as an Aztec warrior…
The teмple coпtaiпs 680 kg of gold, possesses a treasυre of trillioпs of dollars that пo oпe has discovered
Iпdiaпs believe that iп the cellar of Sree Padмaпabhaswaмy teмple there is a treasυre coпtaiпiпg мaпy gold aпd jewelry. Wheп he first caмe to Iпdia, Jiм Dobsoп, a toυrist liviпg iп Califorпia, USΑ, was very eager to visit Thirυvaпaпthapυraм, the capital of Kerala state. It is faмoυs for its sacred teмple Sree Padмaпabhaswaмy. This teмple…
Finding The Legend Of Using “Mermaid” Meat As Candle Oil In The Tomb: The Light Will Never Go Out
The ancients had many legends about the ancient tombs of kings and nobles. This place is woven by people to create scary stories about curses, ghosts, traps… Most of them are said to be fictional because few people believe in ghost stories in the age of science and technology. developed as it is now. Illustration…